The events following Katrina have made us all more aware of the large numbers of poor that live in the United States, the richest country in the world. This Saturday, Tim Hoekstra will bring an article from the Chicago Sun Times for us to discuss.
For those who are new to this email list, welcome! We extend an invitation for you to join us this Saturday morning at 7am at Austin Corinthian Baptist Church. We will begin our time together with worship, teaching and prayer, followed by discussion of the issues raised in the attached article. If you can stay, we have breakfast together at 8:30 for a donation of $5. Austin Corinthian Baptist Church is located at 823 S. Cicero Ave. just 3 blocks south of the Eisenhower Expressway at the northeast corner of Cicero and Arthington.
All praise, honor, and glory go to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Your brother in Christ, Bob Marsh
323 West Chicago Ave.
Hinsdale, IL 60521
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Advisory: Is Your CIty Ready?

C H R I S T I A N E M E R G E N C Y N E T W O R K™
Is Your City Ready?
Christians should be at forefront of preparedness and response
(CEN, Sept. 28) PHOENIX, Ariz. – As residents slowly return to the communities hardest hit by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and towns hundreds of miles away and all points in between adjust to the influx of evacuees created by the storms, Christian Emergency Network (CEN) Founder and CEO Mary Marr said these circumstances point to the importance of each community being responsibly prepared for calamities, and for Christians to have individual, church, denominational, and congregational preparedness plans, as well as being primed in all ways to demonstrate calm and effective leadership in times of crisis.
Marr explained, “As churches in large cities in the U.S. responded to recent devastation, many for the first time without prior preparation, it causes each church and each Christian within our own cities to ask some strategic questions made necessary by the realization in the past month that civil authorities may not be fully able to meet the immediate needs of citizens.”
Marr added, “CEN prayerfully collaborated yesterday with Christian, municipal, state, denominational, congregational, church and media leaders to provide resources that are vital to a church and family’s survival. When each church and each individual Christian family is prepared to lead the way by first preparing for their own needs will they be positioned to help assist their community with a caring response that earns them the right to share the Gospel.”
Marr noted basic questions to consider now should a disaster strike your city include:
Do you have personal physical supplies to go to a shelter for 72 hours? To learn more, click here:
Do you know which churches are trained to operate as shelters? To learn more, click here:
Do you know how to prayerfully care for families in your church and city? To learn more, click here:
Do you know how to reach out with the Gospel in your city with spiritual aid? To learn more, click here:
If some city churches and ministries like Christian radio are wiped out in your city, do you know the back up plan? To learn of additional resources, click here:
Marr explained, “As CEN partners move forward during the next weeks and months, we will be exploring these key and added questions of preparedness for various agencies, organizations and entities responsible for emergency rescue and response. For comprehensive reviews of these questions, check the website regularly for resources to help you deal with these critical issues.”
Marr reminded Christian city and denominational leaders, including media, that as they themselves respond and choose how to prepare others to respond, they should so do according to the biblical precepts of prayer-care-share, the message and response adopted by CEN. Many national leaders thanked CEN for such timely assistance being provided them in their hour of need. Collaborative conference calls to prepare the greater Christian church city by city, church by church will continue.
Said Marr, “With the overwhelming presenting needs, we must constantly humble ourselves before God to ask for discernment in how to respond in prayer include:
Pray for the president and other national and local government officials as they seek to learn how to be better prepared in the future.
Pray for New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Eddie Compass resigned from his position on Tuesday. Pray for a replacement of God’s choosing.
Pray for businesses to be able to open despite damage from the storms and looting.
Pray for utility workers as they seek to restore power to cities all across the Gulf Coast, and inland areas affected by the storms.
Pray for protection from accident and disease for those who are returning to homes and businesses in affected areas.
Pray that as cities are rebuilt, that the church would be there to provide a spiritual foundation for the “new cities” as they rise from the devastation.
Pray for continued need for clothes, housing, jobs and other material needs by those trying to resettle in other cities across the country
Pray for a cooperative plan for disaster preparedness between churches in your city and civil officials.
Pray that your church would take seriously the need to have preparation plans in place.
Pray that Christians will take personal responsibility for their own and others preparedness needs for Kingdom expansion.
CEN Prayer tip for city’s without emergency plans in place; let CEN know how we may pray for you, your church, and your city. Email us:
To learn how you can pray for those in need and demonstrate the love of Christ, click here:
The work of the Salvation Army in Houston is a sterling example of how to provide care, said Marr. The Salvation Army has opened two shelters in the north Houston area that are currently housing more than 450 Houstonians who were unable to evacuate the city. At the shelters, the temporary residents are provided with cots to sleep on, hot meals and water as well as a sense of security.
CEN Care tip for those sheltering evacuees: consider adopting a “pet evacuee” for those you are sheltering to transition from the loss of their own pet.
To learn of additional ways to demonstrate the love of Christ by showing care, click here:
Meanwhile, Marr points to the outlook of Convoy of Hope worker Dave Auterson as an example of the long-term view a Christian must have to prepare to properly share the Gospel. Auterson said, “People are starting to ask ‘Where do we begin?’ and ‘How will we ever come back from this?’ I have to admit that I too have thought those things – until tonight when driving back to Baton Rouge; it struck me that the church has ALWAYS faced huge need and daunting tasks. And, because of that, we already know where and how we will do our work.”
CEN Share tip for those serving the needs in the affected areas: consider providing ample Higher Ground booklets. click here
To learn of additional ways to demonstrate the love of Christ by sharing your time, talents and treasure for the long run, click here:
Pray-Care-Share Inspiration
Scripture: “Trials have come so tat you faith may be proved genuine” (I Peter 1:6-7).
Outlook: Thought trials will come our way, we will trust in God through them all.
Song: “Through It Al,” by Andraé Crouch
For interviews with CEN Founder/Chairman Mary Marr, contact Judy Hannestad at 701-484-5028
Christian Emergency Network leads Christians to intelligently pray for, sensitively care for, and strategically share the gospel with victims involved in a national emergency.
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Friday, September 23, 2005
International Day of Prayer @ Elgin's House of Prayer
International Day of Prayer For the Peace of Jerusalem
Sunday, October 2, 2005
Join Elgin’s House of Prayer
Praise and Prayer 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Elgin’s House of Prayer is a ministry of Light & Life Ministries located at 270 East Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois at Eagle’s Nest Community Worship Center
What some of our leaders are saying!
Jack Hayford - Church on the Way
“To pray for the peace of Jerusalem is to pray, ‘Lord, let your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth, not only in the ultimate revelation of His King coming from Heaven, but in the present revelation of God's peace as it comes into our hearts in a troubled world, to bring to the heartbeat center of the world, something of a peace that alleviates the tensions, the hatred, the bombings, the torments.”
Bob Bakke - Global Day of Prayer
“With the fearful and seemingly intractable dangers facing our generation and Israel, it is incumbent upon all Christians to plead with God for the outpouring of his mercy and for the establishment of a joyous and persistent ‘shalom’ throughout all the land of the Bible. May the Lord answer our prayers. May the seed of Abraham know God and the grace and power of his hand.”
John Paul Jackson - Streams Ministry International
"We would do well to heed and believe with the apostle Paul when he penned, “If their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the gentiles, how much greater riches will their fullness bring.” We must pray for the peace of Jerusalem, that their fullness might be fulfilled."
Kay Arthur - Precept Ministries
"God’s mandate is recorded for us in the book of Isaiah. We are to give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem, His earthly Zion, as a praise in all the earth. The mandates of God are to be obeyed. How then can we excuse ourselves?"
Phil Miglioratti - National Pastors Prayer Network
"Many of us have ignored God’s call to pray for this globally strategic city. May this Day of Prayer be God’s way of focusing our attention for a Christ awakening in all sectors of Jerusalem."
Dutch Sheets - Dutch Sheets Ministries
"God is sovereignly aligning many nations and individuals with His redemptive purposes concerning Israel. Do not miss your opportunity to bless them and receive the promised blessing in return."
Dave Butts - Chairman, America's National Prayer Committee
"There is no more urgent call to the whole body of Christ than the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. This prayer movement blends the dynamic of tomorrow's headlines with the imperative of praying God's Word back to Him."
Light & Life Ministries
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Join Elgin’s House of Prayer
Praise and Prayer 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Elgin’s House of Prayer is a ministry of Light & Life Ministries located at 270 East Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois at Eagle’s Nest Community Worship Center
What some of our leaders are saying!
Jack Hayford - Church on the Way
“To pray for the peace of Jerusalem is to pray, ‘Lord, let your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth, not only in the ultimate revelation of His King coming from Heaven, but in the present revelation of God's peace as it comes into our hearts in a troubled world, to bring to the heartbeat center of the world, something of a peace that alleviates the tensions, the hatred, the bombings, the torments.”
Bob Bakke - Global Day of Prayer
“With the fearful and seemingly intractable dangers facing our generation and Israel, it is incumbent upon all Christians to plead with God for the outpouring of his mercy and for the establishment of a joyous and persistent ‘shalom’ throughout all the land of the Bible. May the Lord answer our prayers. May the seed of Abraham know God and the grace and power of his hand.”
John Paul Jackson - Streams Ministry International
"We would do well to heed and believe with the apostle Paul when he penned, “If their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the gentiles, how much greater riches will their fullness bring.” We must pray for the peace of Jerusalem, that their fullness might be fulfilled."
Kay Arthur - Precept Ministries
"God’s mandate is recorded for us in the book of Isaiah. We are to give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem, His earthly Zion, as a praise in all the earth. The mandates of God are to be obeyed. How then can we excuse ourselves?"
Phil Miglioratti - National Pastors Prayer Network
"Many of us have ignored God’s call to pray for this globally strategic city. May this Day of Prayer be God’s way of focusing our attention for a Christ awakening in all sectors of Jerusalem."
Dutch Sheets - Dutch Sheets Ministries
"God is sovereignly aligning many nations and individuals with His redemptive purposes concerning Israel. Do not miss your opportunity to bless them and receive the promised blessing in return."
Dave Butts - Chairman, America's National Prayer Committee
"There is no more urgent call to the whole body of Christ than the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. This prayer movement blends the dynamic of tomorrow's headlines with the imperative of praying God's Word back to Him."
Light & Life Ministries
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
City Transformation - Learnng From Success
Last Tuesday: Featured Cities’ Conference Calls
Little Rock, Arkansas: Our next call will take place on Tuesday, September 27th at 9:00am (PDT). Dial 661-705-2000 and use the access code 270905 to join us.
For the last eight years the pastors in Little Rock have teamed together to impact their city in a variety of ways. Many have heard about Sharefest and the “blessing power” it has had on the area.
The September 27th Featured Cities’ Conference Call will allow you to hear and speak with those who have been at the core of this and other united efforts to impact the city of Little Rock. Our hope is that as you hear this story you will be encouraged to seek God for how He wants His story to unfold in your city.
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Little Rock, Arkansas: Our next call will take place on Tuesday, September 27th at 9:00am (PDT). Dial 661-705-2000 and use the access code 270905 to join us.
For the last eight years the pastors in Little Rock have teamed together to impact their city in a variety of ways. Many have heard about Sharefest and the “blessing power” it has had on the area.
The September 27th Featured Cities’ Conference Call will allow you to hear and speak with those who have been at the core of this and other united efforts to impact the city of Little Rock. Our hope is that as you hear this story you will be encouraged to seek God for how He wants His story to unfold in your city.
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Pacific Garden Mission & Katrina Victims

It's Doors Have Never Closed Since 1877, More Than 46,750 Consecutive Days, A period Spanning 25 Presidential Administrations
By Michael Ireland
Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service, PO Box 2126, Garden Grove, CA 92842-2126 USA
Visit our web site at: -- E-mail:
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (ANS) -- It's doors haven't closed even once since September 15, 1877 -- over 46,750 consecutive days-- a period spanning last 25 presidential administrations. (Pictured: Pacific Garden Mission facilities prior to major additions).
In that time the Pacific Garden Mission has cared for homeless people of all races, creeds, and national origin on a non-discriminatory basis from its first day.
No one is ever turned away. Its doors are open day and night, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have been open non-stop since September 15, 1877, an unbroken string of over 46,750 consecutive days, a period spanning the terms of 25 US presidents from Rutherford B. Hayes to George W. Bush.
Now, as it marks its 128th Anniversary, the Pacific Garden Mission has opened its doors to a number of homeless victims of Hurricane Katrina at its 646 S. State Street location in Chicago.
"So far, we are caring for about eight men from Louisiana and Mississippi, and we expect the number to increase as more homeless arrive in Chicago," according to Phil Kwiatkowski, Director of Ministry Services.
David McCarrell, Pacific Garden Mission’s Director, states, "It is noteworthy that we are receiving needy people from far outside of Chicago as we mark our 128th anniversary and are planning a new, larger facility.
"Hurricane victims have much in common with Chicago's homeless…though their condition was caused by a single weather-related event, those we care for every day are homeless due to any number of circumstances including job loss, illness, domestic violence, and lack of affordable housing. Not all of them are unemployed, in fact many have attended high school and college. Each one is our neighbor and our mission is to care for them all."
Mr. McCarrell continued: "When we move to our brand new state-of-the-art facility at 14th and Canal Streets in 2007, we will increase our capacity and have all our services under one roof. Currently, women and children are cared for at a separate facility on Grand Avenue. (Pictured Pacific Garden Mission new facilities).
"People are surprised to hear that in the past year we served 803,000 meals [2200 each day] and provided 227,760 shelter days [624 each day]. We also distribute tons of clothing each year. In any given month, the mission distributes approximately 51,000 items of clothing and provides free medical and dental care to approximately 500 people.
"To many, we are a springboard, a place where they can get back on their feet. We provide programs for rehabilitation, one-on-one counseling, GED and other educational assistance, computer courses, and life skills training courses which help them create a resume, balance a checkbook, set goals, and manage their lives. All of this fits right in with Mayor Daley’s plan to end homelessness in Chicago."
McCarrell stressed: "We are not a soup kitchen, but a comprehensive care facility which addresses physical, spiritual and emotional needs. Chicago has benefited greatly from such comprehensive care…all provided by the generosity of the private sector."
He added: "There are some exciting things on the horizon as we develop plans for our new building. A Building Fund has been established and, in the coming months, Chicago will see some exciting opportunities for businesses, schools, churches and individuals to get involved."
For more information or to donate, contact Pacific Garden Mission at 312/922-1462 or visit
Contact: Tony Rufo
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Elgin's House of Prayer Fall Schedule
Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations
By His Grace & For His Glory
Fall Schedule 2005
7:00pm – 9:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
9:00am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Compass Regional Training Center CRTC/ Prayer, Intercession as a Lifestyle and Song of Solomon ....Registration required
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord.
11:00 – 12:00pm, 1st Wednesday, Pastors Prayer Shield…
Intercessors invited to pray together for pastors and leaders in Elgin & Beyond.
12:00 noon – 1:00, 1st Wednesday hosting PPG
Pastors praying together from Elgin and Beyond
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord.
7:00 – 9:00 pm, Compass Regional Training Center
CRTC / Prayer, Harp & Bowl Syllabus… Registration required
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord.
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
First Fridays 24/7 Friday, November 4, 2005
Thanksgiving & Praise, 24/7 Continuous Praise & Prayer
6:00 am Friday – 6:00 am Saturday
Friday, December 2, 2005
Come and Worship Him, Continuous Worship, Friday
6:00 am Friday – 6:00 am Saturday
Third Saturdays 10:00 – 12:30 Compass Regional Training Center
CRTC / Prayer, Harp & Bowl Training, registration required
September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17
Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Sunday, October 2, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sunday, November, 13, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Watch of the Lord, Each hour teams of musicians, singers and intercessors seek the Lord in praise and prayer asking God to restore His church and fulfill His promise and give the nation’s to Jesus as His Inheritance. The Watch of the Lord is the Centerpiece at Elgin’s House of Prayer. Our goal is to be open 24/7 for any person or group that wants to worship and pray individually or corporately. Each hour different formats are used such as devotional, prophetic worship, worship with the Word and Intercession. You are invited to drop in or stay for several hours!
Elgin’s House of Prayer is a ministry of Light & Life Ministries and is located at 270 E. Chicago Street Elgin, Illinois (at Eagles Nest Community Worship Center) Light & Life Ministries, 847- 695 - 5133
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By His Grace & For His Glory
Fall Schedule 2005
7:00pm – 9:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
9:00am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Compass Regional Training Center CRTC/ Prayer, Intercession as a Lifestyle and Song of Solomon ....Registration required
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord.
11:00 – 12:00pm, 1st Wednesday, Pastors Prayer Shield…
Intercessors invited to pray together for pastors and leaders in Elgin & Beyond.
12:00 noon – 1:00, 1st Wednesday hosting PPG
Pastors praying together from Elgin and Beyond
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord.
7:00 – 9:00 pm, Compass Regional Training Center
CRTC / Prayer, Harp & Bowl Syllabus… Registration required
9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord.
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Elgin’s House of Prayer for the Nations…Watch of the Lord
First Fridays 24/7 Friday, November 4, 2005
Thanksgiving & Praise, 24/7 Continuous Praise & Prayer
6:00 am Friday – 6:00 am Saturday
Friday, December 2, 2005
Come and Worship Him, Continuous Worship, Friday
6:00 am Friday – 6:00 am Saturday
Third Saturdays 10:00 – 12:30 Compass Regional Training Center
CRTC / Prayer, Harp & Bowl Training, registration required
September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17
Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Sunday, October 2, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Sunday, November, 13, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Watch of the Lord, Each hour teams of musicians, singers and intercessors seek the Lord in praise and prayer asking God to restore His church and fulfill His promise and give the nation’s to Jesus as His Inheritance. The Watch of the Lord is the Centerpiece at Elgin’s House of Prayer. Our goal is to be open 24/7 for any person or group that wants to worship and pray individually or corporately. Each hour different formats are used such as devotional, prophetic worship, worship with the Word and Intercession. You are invited to drop in or stay for several hours!
Elgin’s House of Prayer is a ministry of Light & Life Ministries and is located at 270 E. Chicago Street Elgin, Illinois (at Eagles Nest Community Worship Center) Light & Life Ministries, 847- 695 - 5133
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
CENToday In Arizona leads the way . . .networking in Prayer, Care & Share during Crisis and National Emergencies

September 16, 2005
National Day of Prayer and Rememberance.mp3 (60secs)
To sign up to be a prayer room host go to:
Join in a day-long Prayer Teleconference....dial 1-605-990-0033 and enter the passcode 7729
September 16, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
How Do We Help People Put Their Lives Back Together?
The Gulf States need our prayers and support. Please visit these states and click to see where you can help.
Florida Cities
Alabama Cities
Mississippi Cities
Louisiana Cities
Texas Cities
Calling U.S. to Our Knees (Friday the 16th of Spetember)

NDP Coordinator Network
Hurricane Katrina has brought much despair, death and darkness. As a church body, we have the ability to be and bring “God’s light” to our nation. Many in the nearby areas are very active in providing physical and financial support at this time. Those of us who are watching from afar can also help by doing our highest civil duty as Christians – pray!! We have the responsibility and need to carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters to the Lord through intercession. EM Bounds puts it this way; “The character and energy of God’s movement lie in prayer. Victory comes at the end of praying!!”
President Bush is calling for a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for those directly affected by Katrina on Friday, September 16th. This provides the body of Christ with a chance for its greatest hour – to take the lead in uniting our nation in prayer and letting our “light shine before men.”
To help you impact your communities, the National Prayer Committee and the National Day of Prayer Task Force (NDP), led by Mrs. Shirley Dobson, is calling upon our nation’s pastors, prayer leaders and volunteers to host prayer observances which will call our country to its knees. As people of prayer encourage churches, state capitols, city halls, workplaces, ministries and groups of believers to open doors and gather on Friday, September 16th as our nation comes together corporately to pray, knowing God Almighty wants Americans to come with our needs.
On the website at, several tools are available to help believers in prayer on such a short notice:
1- A suggested 1 hour program/order of service
2- A special song and PowerPoint presentation provided by Dennis Jernigan for those affected.
3- Prayer for our nation written by Dr. Henry Blackaby (2006 Honorary Chairman for NDP)
4- Bulletin inserts that can be used to encourage and guide churches and others in continual prayer
5- Prayer points from the front lines.
6- Suggested Scriptures that will encourage and guide your message preparation
God’s desire is for unity among His Body as we are reminded in Romans 15:5
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please unite with us in prayer on the National Day of Prayer and Mourning.
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
The major agencies (FEMA, and others) have not yet begun to work in that area and most of the churches have suffered severe damage. So far, there is almost no where for volunteers to stay, although they desperately need them – I promised her I would begin working on that with San Diego churches and others, and that I would do my best to sent people to her and get them tents and other shelters, 100 tables, etc.. Teresa is working out of a pod which a pastor managed to locate. Click here to read MUCH more. ACT-NOW!
" . . . pray the news . . . "
" . . . pray the news . . . "
Friday, September 02, 2005
Prayer Conference @ Chicago's Prayer Furnace
"THE GLOBAL PRAYER MOVEMENT and the BOOK OF REVELATION" Conference with Tom Grossman, Director of the Prayer Furnace Dallas, is coming up on Sept. 16-17th.
Luke 21:36 "Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."
Come to this unique presentation of the book of Revelation and your heart will burn for God's endtime purposes.
~Starts Friday 16th at 7:30pm (no cost for Friday evening; we will take a love offering)
~Saturday Workshop: 9:30am-5pm with a break for lunch Cost for Saturday is $20 early reg. due Sept. 10th. $25 at the door.
Cost includes workbook, times of worship and renewal.
Tom Grossman Sr. is the Director of the Prayer Furnace Dallas and been a senior leader in the house of prayer movement for over 5 years. "I highly recommend Tom Grossman's 'Revelation Workshop'. Tom's insight into the Word concerning the end of the age is a must for those longing for deeper understanding of the time we are living in. Tom teaches with skill and integrity."
Marvin Adams
The Prayer Furnace Chicago
3541 N. Elston, Chicago IL 60618
Everyone welcome!!! to The Prayer Furnance
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Luke 21:36 "Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."
Come to this unique presentation of the book of Revelation and your heart will burn for God's endtime purposes.
~Starts Friday 16th at 7:30pm (no cost for Friday evening; we will take a love offering)
~Saturday Workshop: 9:30am-5pm with a break for lunch Cost for Saturday is $20 early reg. due Sept. 10th. $25 at the door.
Cost includes workbook, times of worship and renewal.
Tom Grossman Sr. is the Director of the Prayer Furnace Dallas and been a senior leader in the house of prayer movement for over 5 years. "I highly recommend Tom Grossman's 'Revelation Workshop'. Tom's insight into the Word concerning the end of the age is a must for those longing for deeper understanding of the time we are living in. Tom teaches with skill and integrity."
Marvin Adams
The Prayer Furnace Chicago
3541 N. Elston, Chicago IL 60618
Everyone welcome!!! to The Prayer Furnance
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Katrina Disaster - Resources, Connections & Stories
Click here to learn to learn more about a series of blog postings related to the Katrina Hurricane disaster
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Rediscovering The BIble - Noted Lecturer Comes to Moody Church
Monday, September 19 @ 10am
Moody Church
Lunch to follow at Noon
Dr. Erwin Lutzer along with Dr. Scott Carroll of Rediscover Your Bible Seminars and Rev. Howard Robbins of On The Edge Ministries invite you to Moody Churches Whitfield Conference to hear Dr. Carroll.
Purpose: Rediscovering The Bible Seminar is designed to accomplish multiple purposes for the local Church and the Kingdom.
_ Reaffirm and reestablish the Authenticity, Authority and Trustworthiness of the Word of God.
_ To use the Historical aspect of the Artifact collection to reach out and appeal to the general public, along with local, private, parochial and home schooler’s.
_ An opportunity for believers to be exposed to and handle a collection worth over a Million and Half dollars of rare Artifacts from the time of Abraham to an original Erasmus Greek New Testament, Original Tyndale Bible and Original King James Bible, alone with other Rare Artifacts and Biblical Translations and portions.
_ Bringing Archeological relevance to the general public, so they can see the continued confirmation it brings to the Authenticity of The Word Of God.
To be Discussed: A coordinated plan to saturate the Chicago area Christian community and affect the secular society with a strong and authentic witness.
Speaker: Dr. Scott Carroll, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
_ Weekend long seminars in approximately 7-8 Churches in the Chicago Area after the first of the year.
_ Daily meetings for school children.
_ Friday evening Seminar on the The Da Vinci Code.
_ An all day Seminar Saturday on rare manuscripts, pointing out the Authority, Authenticity, and Centrality of the Word of God.
_ A Mars Hill debate Saturday evening and/or a Youth Outreach.
For more details on the September 19 conference and to make reservations call Rev. Howard Robbins @ 815-325-2855
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Moody Church
Lunch to follow at Noon
Dr. Erwin Lutzer along with Dr. Scott Carroll of Rediscover Your Bible Seminars and Rev. Howard Robbins of On The Edge Ministries invite you to Moody Churches Whitfield Conference to hear Dr. Carroll.
Purpose: Rediscovering The Bible Seminar is designed to accomplish multiple purposes for the local Church and the Kingdom.
_ Reaffirm and reestablish the Authenticity, Authority and Trustworthiness of the Word of God.
_ To use the Historical aspect of the Artifact collection to reach out and appeal to the general public, along with local, private, parochial and home schooler’s.
_ An opportunity for believers to be exposed to and handle a collection worth over a Million and Half dollars of rare Artifacts from the time of Abraham to an original Erasmus Greek New Testament, Original Tyndale Bible and Original King James Bible, alone with other Rare Artifacts and Biblical Translations and portions.
_ Bringing Archeological relevance to the general public, so they can see the continued confirmation it brings to the Authenticity of The Word Of God.
To be Discussed: A coordinated plan to saturate the Chicago area Christian community and affect the secular society with a strong and authentic witness.
Speaker: Dr. Scott Carroll, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
_ Weekend long seminars in approximately 7-8 Churches in the Chicago Area after the first of the year.
_ Daily meetings for school children.
_ Friday evening Seminar on the The Da Vinci Code.
_ An all day Seminar Saturday on rare manuscripts, pointing out the Authority, Authenticity, and Centrality of the Word of God.
_ A Mars Hill debate Saturday evening and/or a Youth Outreach.
For more details on the September 19 conference and to make reservations call Rev. Howard Robbins @ 815-325-2855
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