The Mission America Coalition Annual Meeting returns to Chicago
7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 11 through Noon Thursday, October 13
The Wyndham Hotel O'Hare
6810 Mannheim Road, Rosemont, Illinois
{Please see sections below for a concise description of this strategic coalition}
I serve with the MAC as a National Facilitator for the Loving Our Communities to Christ initiative ...
MAC Headquarters is requesting a few additional local volunteers to help with logistics, welcoming people, monitoring the sound board, helping direct people to the right room, registration, signage etc. ... for some or all of the meetings (Tuesday morning through Thursday noon).
This would be a great opportunity to meet many national leaders and hear state-of-the-Church messages from some of God’s finest servants.
Please let me know if you can help ... ASAP!
Hoping to demonstrate our windy city hospitality,
Phil Miglioratti
847-344-7837 or phil@nppn.org
The Mission America Coalition (MAC) is an unprecedented Coalition of Christian leaders who have prayerfully come together to mobilize the Church for praying, caring and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in deed and word.
Since its inception, leaders from 81 denominations, over 350 ministries and dozens of ministry networks have been involved in the Coalition. MAC calls for active participation in The Great Commission of Jesus Christ to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) and our Lord’s Great Commandment to “Love the Lord your God . . . and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37, 39).
Our Mission Statement is: "The Whole Church taking the Whole Gospel to the Whole Nation - and to the World!”
2005 MAC Annual Meeting October 11-13 (Chicago)
The 2005 MAC Annual Meeting offers a dual focus on collaborative evangelism toward “Loving Our Communities to Christ” and creative ways to use popular media for outreach. You’ll have the opportunity to:
• Participate in the official announcement of the pilot cities for Loving Our Communities to Christ and celebrate what God has already done and will do in the coming years in each of these cities.
• Contribute your experience and expertise to roundtable sessions focused on connecting your ministry, denomination, or city with the Loving Our Communities to Christ pilot phase and beyond.
• Hear challenging keynote addresses from Francis Frangipane (Advancing Church Ministries), Steve Douglass (Campus Crusade for Christ, International), and Ted Baehr (Christian Film and Television Commission).
• Explore the use of media in evangelistic outreach and learn how Christians can effectively employ visual medium such as film to share Jesus Christ.
• Network with other leaders who share your passion and enthusiasm for reaching our nation with the gospel.
• Spend time in worship and prayer as we seek the heart of God personally and corporately.
Date/Time: 7:00 p.m. October 11 through Noon October 13
Location: The Wyndham Hotel O'Hare in Chicago
Keynote Speakers
Francis Frangipane: Pastor and Author, Advancing Church Ministries
Steve Douglass: President, Campus Crusade for Christ
Ted Baehr: Chairman, Christian Film & Television Commission
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