DISCOVER Your Children's Gifts
A Seminar based on the book by Don and Katie Fortune
Parents and educators will learn how to:
* Recognize children's gifts
* Appreciate each child's uniqueness as a blessing from God
* How you parent depends on your gifts
* Handle conflicts with children effectively
* Understanding potential occupations and ministries for your children
* Find out how they learn
* Develop child's self esteem
* Minister to children with wisdom and insight
Speakers: Dr. Jim Clapper D.C., C.T.G.
Colleen Clapper M.S., C.T.G.
" It has freed me to develop personally and spiritually as God
intended, has revolutionized my marriage, and has informed my
relationships with our children and other family members. I highly
recommend it!" ~ Rev. C. Greenwald, Dahlonega, GA
FRIDAY, MAY 19 6:00-9:00
SATURDAY, MAY 20 9:00-3:00
Location: Flavors of North America in Geneva, Illinois
Registration fee: 80.00 per person 40.00 for spouse (fee includes ALL materials and catering provided by Panera Bread)
For registration form or questions contact Jim and Colleen Clapper at
(630) 485-8334 or e-mail
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Let's Begin Again With Jesus!

Christ Awakening ~ a concert of prayer featuring David Bryant
An Awakening to Christ for ALL that He Is
Sunday, March 26,2006
6:00 pm
The Moody Church
1630 North Clark
Chicago, Illinois 60614
• Discover how a larger vision of Jesus revitalizes Christian discipleship.
• Recover the dynamic power of a hope focused on the supremacy of Christ.
• Confront and cure the greatest hindrance to triumphant Christian living.
• Be equipped to become a “Messenger of Hope” to your family and church.
• Learn how to ignite fresh passion for God’s Son in yourself and others.
• Celebrate your place in the ground- swell toward a national awakening to Christ.
Uniting the Christians of Chicagoland
You are invited to join us for this important Christ Awakening—a concert of prayer led by David Bryant.
God will be honored as we spend a challenging evening in instruction, prayer and worship, uniting our hearts in the presence of God. This is an opportunity for the church of Chicagoland to be the church—standing in the presence of God in
behalf of our churches, our city, our nation and the world.
Together, spanning denominations, race, and economic class, let us lift up the name of Jesus with one accord. Your presence will encourage and bless others.
Date: Sunday March, 26, 2006
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: The Moody Church, 1630 N. Clark, Chicago, IL 60614
Who: All followers of Jesus Christ
Cost: Free!
Parking: Available at Moody Bible Institute’s garage on the corner of Wells Street and Institute Place. Shuttle service will be provided. For more information call: 312-943-0466 ext. 1005.
You are Welcome to Join Us!
The following pastors are a part of the welcoming committee, inviting you to participate in this special occasion:
Rev. Michael Allen, Uptown Baptist Church
Dr. Carlton Arthurs, Wheaton Christian Center
Rev. Scott Chapman, The Chapel
Pr. Jackson Crum, Park Community Church
Pr. Dale Davenport, Hillcrest Baptist Church
Pr. William Gates, Living Faith Church
Rev. Wilfredo de Jesus New Life Covenant Church
Rev. Mark Jobe, New Life Community Church
Pr. Nick Kim, New Life Community Church
Tom Kubiak, South Loop Community Church
Dr. Erwin Lutzer, The Moody Church
Dr. Sajan Mathews, New Life Bible Chapel
Rev. Phil Miglioratti, National Pastors Prayer Network
Pr. Donald Moy, Chinese Christian Union Church
Pr. Phuoc Nguyen, Uptown Baptist Church
Pr. Roy Patterson, New Life Baptist Church
Pr. Don Sharp, Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church
Pr. Jim Shedd, Edgewater Baptist Church
Dr. William Thrasher, author, “Victorous Praying”
Rev. Al Toledo, Chicago Tabernacle
Let’s Begin Again With Jesus!
Together we seek His blessings for Chicagoland
David Bryant is giving leadership to what has been called a “National Campaign of Hope” uniting a coalition of leaders com-
mitted to a spiritual awakening to Christ throughout America.
David has played a widely visible role in the emergence of an unprecedented, worldwide prayer movement.
Many testify, however, that his key contribution to this movement always has been to help set its primary agenda: the hope of a God-given awakeningamong God’s people to the full extent of the supremacy of God’s Son and strategic implications of
this for the renewal and mission of God’s people.
Major goals: to proclaim, to awaken, to empower, and to equip.
*Please note:
On Monday, March 27, in Sankey Auditorium of The Moody Church, David Bryant will be conducting a special Christ Awakening Summit based on his book, titled: Christ is All!!! Let us learn how to unleash a “Campaign of Hope” that can transform our Lives, our Churches and our Region.
Many are saying that this seminar has radically changed their view of Christ and revival. Others have said that their ministries will never be the same again.
If you are a pastor or lay Christian worker, please bring a friend and join us on Monday from 9am until 3pm.
Cost is only $20 which includes lunch and a copy of David Bryant’s book, Christ Is All ($30.00 value).
Complimentary Parking is available.
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One Neighborhood - The Birmingham Strategy

Featured Cities' Conference Call -- Birmingham, AL
Next Tuesday, March 28, our call will feature what God has been and is doing in Birmingham, Alabama. The Church in Birmingham has focused their resources to serve one neighborhood in a holistic manner. Together they are serving the community known as the West End in many ways, including: spiritual revitalization, healthcare, economic empowerment, crime prevention, and technology training. Join us next Tuesday to hear more!
Join us on March 28, at 9:00am (Pacific time). The number to dial is 563-843-7429 (access code: 643706#).
Dennis Fuqua (host) & Phil Miglioratti (co-host)
International Renewal Ministries
5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97215
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Anne Graham Lotz Speaks at Salem Baptist Church

Wednesday, March 22 at 7 p.m.
Drawing from her newest book, I Saw The Lord, Anne, the daughter of Billy and Ruth Graham, will challenge you to hear God’s wake-up call for your life!
Doors open at 5 p.m.; prayer begins at 6 p.m. Anne will speak just after 7 p.m.
Attend this free event at
752 E. 114th Street
Chicago, IL 60628
===>Click headline to access website . . .
Books available at event.
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Monday, March 13, 2006
Elgin House of Prayer & School of Worship

A Light, a Compass, and a Hand on the Road of Life
Watch of the Lord~
Each hour, teams of instrumentalists, singers and intercessors seek the Lord in praise and prayer asking God to restore His church and fulfill His promise and give the nations to Jesus as His inheritance. The Watch of the Lord is the centerpiece at Elgin�s House of Prayer. Our goal is to be open 24/7 for any person or group that wants to worship and pray individually or corporately. You are invited to drop in or stay for several hours!

Intercession - In this prayer format, we use the prayers of the apostles or prophetic promises to engage in intercession. We use the apostolic prayers to intercede for revival (general outpouring /visitation of the Spirit) on the whole church across the city (region) that the Lord highlights.
Prophetic Worship - This prayer format is designed to facilitate united group participation in worship so that we might receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit in specific ways. Our goal is to reach the highest experience of corporate worship, including ministry times for healing and deliverance.
Worship with the Word - This prayer format is designed to function as a discipleship program that provides mentoring and training in the Word. In other words, to function as a �singing seminary.� The worshipper is trained while on the job. Our desire is to raise up singing theologians or �theologian worship leaders.�
Devotional - This prayer format is designed to provide an anointed atmosphere for individuals to meditate on the Scriptures as they linger long in the presence of God. The worship songs and music style are devotional in focus so that we may sit at the feet of Jesus as Mary of Bethany did.
Weekly Meetings
Quiet Prayer Thursday, 11:00am � 12:00pm
Anna Intercessors Friday, 11:00am � 12:00pm
Monthly Events
Pastor�s Prayer Shield 1st Wednesday 11:00am � 12:00pm
24 Hour Prayer Watch 1st Friday 6:00am � 6:00am
Harp & Bowl Seminar 3rd Saturday 10:00am � 12:30pm
Call for complete schedule
Elgin�s House of Prayer is a ministry of Light & Life Ministries
270 East Chicago Street Elgin, IL (Eagles Nest Building)
--->Cick headline to access website . . .
•Compass Regional Training Center (CRTC)
School of Worship - Davidic Dance Class begins Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Davidic Dance - Beginner 1, (8 weeks) - School of Worship
Davidic dance is praise and worship dance that combines Israeli folk and contemporary worship music to choreographed dance. Students will be learning basic steps such as the Mayim, Tcherkezi, the Yemenite and dances such as the Hora,Tzadik Katamar, Miserloo, Lo Ahavti Dai, Kibutz, and Baruch Ha Ba.
Instructor: Ann Rothmaler
Location: Light & Life Ministries, 3rd Floor
Day/Time: Tuesday 4:00 – 4:45 pm
CRTC classes are free-will offering based. Students are encouraged (but not required) to contribute finances that will help cover building costs, instructor honorarium, administrative expenses and ministry needs.
Please register at the first class, Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Compass Regional Training Center is a ministry of Light & Life Ministries and is located at 270 E. Chicago Street Elgin, Illinois (at Eagles Nest & Community Worship Center) Light & Life Ministries, 847- 695 - 5133
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STRATEGIC PRAYER- Protect Marriage Illinois

Could you please pray for the Protect Marriage Illinois campaign to collect 283,111 signatures by April 20? Our greatest opportunity to date is getting volunteers out on March 21 to gather signatures at the polls.
The following are my prayers for God to do for the Christians and churches of Illinois what only He can do.
1. That God would open our eyes to our responsibilities as citizens.
2. That we would recognize that our voice in government is a stewardship given to us by God.
3. That God would raise up 24,000 volunteers on March 21 to collect signatures.
4. That God would raise an issue in the primary election that would bring record numbers to the polls.
5. That God would give us a beautiful day to bring out the voters.
6. That churches and pastors would stand for the truth of God's word even when it is divisive.
7. That God would restrain the gods of tolerance and unity who prey on Christians' ignorance of, and Churches' compromise of, God's truth.
Thank you, Dan Musick
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Impacting Chicagoland for Christ

•Three Nationwide CIty Transformaiton Calls
>You are invited to the cityreaching call next Thursday, March 16th at 10:00 a.m. central time. Our special guest will be Pastor and Author Francis Frangipane whose most recent book is A House United: How Christ-Centered Unity Can End Church Division. Dr. Frangipane will be our keynote speaker at the City Impact Roundtable in Cedar Rapids, Iowa April 3-5. To participate in this call, email requesting the dial in #. ====>Click headline for complete information . . .
•Annual City Impact Roundtable
April 3-5, 2006
The City Impact Roundtable (CIR) is a network of like-minded men and women, working in partnership with City Community Ministries of the Mission America Coalition, committed to bring kingdom leaders together in cities to engage in earnest prayer, collaborate evangelism and social justice. Cityreachers, representing varying streams of a growing paradigm of transformational change, want to see impact of God's kingdom on society that is both measurable and sustainable. ====>Click headline for complete information . . .
•Cityreachers lead the way in internet blogging
Neil Cox, Phil Miglioratti and Joe Walsh are leading the way as cityreaching bloggers. Neil’s invites us to consider as a “Daily Internet Starting-line” Look for a button labeled “How to use this site." You will want to take advantage of their workshop at the CIR in Cedar Rapids. ====>Click headline for complete information . . .
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
Prayer Summit Brings Us Together in Christ

The Chicago Prayer Summit is April, 17-19, 2006! We are looking forward to seeing you there. But first we need you to register. The summit is going to be at St Mary of the Lake Conference Center in Mundelien, IL. Jody and Dan Meyhew will be the facilitators for this summit. Jody has been a facilitator at many of our summits in the past and Dan has facilitated a summit for the Servant Leadership team and many other summits around the country. Below is all of the basic information for the summit. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
We all hope to see you there.
Adam Shields and the Chicagoland Prayer Summit Servant Leadership Team
The when, where, how, and how much page. Here you will find all the practical info you need concerning the upcoming prayer summit. If you have any further questions, feel free to drop us an email at: or ===>Click headline to access website . . .
The Prayer Summit is scheduled for Monday, April 17th through Wednesday, April 19st. The summit will end on Wednesday at 8:00 PM.
The USML Conference Center in Mundelein, IL. Men's and Women's Prayer Summits will run simultaneously in separate locations on the grounds of the Conference Center and will join together periodically for times of prayer and worship. Please note that women and men, including spouses, will sleep in separate locations unless a request for shared space is made.
How Much Does it Cost?
Only $175. This covers lodging, all meals, transportation, and programming costs. Note that all contributions over $175 will fund partial scholarships to pastors and ministry leaders who could not attend without your help.
Registration is due by April 10, 2006. Late registration will be accepted, but for planning purposes please register early. Don't let the cost keep you away; if you need financial assistance, please let us know when you register. We have very limited scholarships this year.
What Should I Bring?
Prayer Summits are informal, and you are encouraged to dress casually. There will be opportunities for you to walk around the grounds, so bring appropriate clothing. Bedding and towels are provided. Bring your bible, personal items, and a heart hungry to seek the Lord.
In order to keep costs low we will only have breakfast and dinner prepared for us. There will be snacks and sandwiches available for lunch. The site is also close enough to go out for a quick lunch some days as the schedule allows. If you have any food restrictions please contact us.
How Do I Get There?
This year we will carpool instead of use a bus. Please contact us if you would like to drive. You are free to drive directly to the summit, but please indicate how you are getting there on the registration page. If you would like help arranging a car pool from a site other than the two designated please email and we will assist you. Direction to the Summit can be found at the bottom of the page or by going here.
>Designated Car Pool Sites
• North "Park & Ride" Location:
* Carpool leaves at 11:00 AM on Monday
Salvation Army
8354 West Foster (at Cumberland)
Norridge, IL
(708) 456-6220
• South "Park & Ride" Location:
* Carpool leaves at 10:00 AM on Monday
Lorimer Baptist Church
14801 Lincoln Ave
Dolton, IL
(708) 849-1630
Note: please arrive at the car pool locations at least 30 minutes early to check in.
•From South/Chicago & O'Hare:
Take I90 East ramp towards Chicago Loop. Merge onto I190 E. Take the I294 North exit. Take I294/I94 W Exit IL 176 (Rockland Road). Turn right onto IL Route 176 to USML. Once on the grounds, follow University Drive. You will come to two forks in the road – bear to your left both times. Continue to "Center Parking". Follow the stairs to the campus buildings – the Conference Center is on your left; the Residence Building (guestrooms) is on your right.
•From North/Milwaukee:
Take I94 East towards Chicago/Indiana. Merge onto I94 East. Take the IL 21 Milwaukee Avenue exit. Turn right onto IL Route 176 to USML. Once on the grounds, follow University Drive. You will come to two forks in the road – bear to your left both times. Continue to "Center Parking". Follow the stairs to the campus buildings – the Conference Center is on your left; the Residence Building (guestrooms) is on your right.
•From Chicago/Midway:
Take the I90 West ramp. Merge onto I90 W/Kennedy Expressway West. Take I90 West/NW Tollway towards Rockford/Milwaukee (I294N). Take I294 North ramp towards Milwaukee. Take I94 West to IL 176 (Rockland Road). Turn right onto IL Route 176 to USML. . Once on the grounds, follow University Drive. You will come to two forks in the road – bear to your left both times. Continue to "Center Parking". Follow the stairs to the campus buildings – the Conference Center is on your left; the Residence Building (guestrooms) is on your right.
•Entrance on Route 45:
Enter the Campus from Route 45 just north of Route 176. Once on the grounds, turn right at the first stop sign. Continue a short distance to "Center Parking". Follow the stairs to the campus buildings – the Conference Center is on your left; the Residence Building (guestrooms) is on your right.
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Report from First Saturday Meeting in Austin Community
Arloa Sutter, founder and Executive Director of Breakthrough Ministries ====>Click headline to access . . on Chicago’s north side was our speaker/discussion leader this morning. Arloa grew up on a dairy farm in Iowa where her family belonged to a church she describes as “fundamentalist Christian and almost entirely German American.” Many years after coming to Chicago and attending Moody Bible Institute, Arloa discovered her “whiteitis” when she opened a storefront to serve coffee and sandwiches to homeless people who were attending her church. She decided to simply listen to the stories of those who came in. Her typical assumptions about people of color were quickly broken down as she listened to these dear people speak of their journey with God, some having drifted away, some with a deep faith, and still others that did not know the Lord at all. Arloa spoke personally about her journey on the road of recovery from the persistent white/Eurocentric superiority so many of us struggle with, which includes many assumptions about others that we are often not even aware of. She was clear that she is a “work in progress” and that she must continually fight the temptation to fall back to seeing herself as the solution to all the problems around her.
Arloa has been in true communion with people of color since the early 1990’s when Breakthrough Ministries began. During that time she has had many experiences that have given her first hand knowledge of some of what it is like to be black in America. She recalled a time when she was driving a group of black men from an event at Trinity University back to the north side of Chicago. When she saw police lights behind her she automatically assumed that it was probably about her expired registration sticker and she would simply explain the situation and they would be on their way. Instead, she and her friends were told to get against the car with their hands and legs spread apart and it was then that she realized they were being pulled over simply because the car was full of black males. Arloa’s words to us today were backed by significant personal experience and genuine humility and awareness of her own struggles. She gave no sense to the group that she has things “figured out.”
Those of us that could be there this morning were blessed, encouraged, and uplifted by the powerful worship, which was inspired to even greater heights by young Jeremiah, who at eight years old is a worship leader! We are now left with the challenge to take what we experience and learn on the First Saturday of every month with us wherever we go. We must ask how these experiences of being together in this unique and powerful gathering will make a difference in our families, our places of work, our communities, our schools, and in our churches. Let us not take lightly the power of God working through a gathering that brings together Christian disciples from such diverse backgrounds. It is God’s will that this be the norm rather than the exception. Read and be reminded of God’s vision for His Kingdom from the book of Revelation 5: 9-10.
And they sang a new song:
"You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased men for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation.
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth."
To the Glory of God!!
Bob Marsh
323 West Chicago Ave., Hinsdale, IL 60521
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Arloa has been in true communion with people of color since the early 1990’s when Breakthrough Ministries began. During that time she has had many experiences that have given her first hand knowledge of some of what it is like to be black in America. She recalled a time when she was driving a group of black men from an event at Trinity University back to the north side of Chicago. When she saw police lights behind her she automatically assumed that it was probably about her expired registration sticker and she would simply explain the situation and they would be on their way. Instead, she and her friends were told to get against the car with their hands and legs spread apart and it was then that she realized they were being pulled over simply because the car was full of black males. Arloa’s words to us today were backed by significant personal experience and genuine humility and awareness of her own struggles. She gave no sense to the group that she has things “figured out.”
Those of us that could be there this morning were blessed, encouraged, and uplifted by the powerful worship, which was inspired to even greater heights by young Jeremiah, who at eight years old is a worship leader! We are now left with the challenge to take what we experience and learn on the First Saturday of every month with us wherever we go. We must ask how these experiences of being together in this unique and powerful gathering will make a difference in our families, our places of work, our communities, our schools, and in our churches. Let us not take lightly the power of God working through a gathering that brings together Christian disciples from such diverse backgrounds. It is God’s will that this be the norm rather than the exception. Read and be reminded of God’s vision for His Kingdom from the book of Revelation 5: 9-10.
And they sang a new song:
"You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased men for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation.
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth."
To the Glory of God!!
Bob Marsh
323 West Chicago Ave., Hinsdale, IL 60521
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Thursday, March 02, 2006
Unifying Leaders in Chicagoland
The School of the Prophets is an ecumenical group of men and women from many backgrounds who have been meeting together since January 2000. We meet this Saturday March 4, at 7 a.m. at Austin Corinthian Baptist Church at 823 S. Cicero Ave., which is 2 blocks south of the Eisenhower Expressway on the east side of the street next to Marvin’s Soul Food Restaurant.
Our aim is to pursue the unity of believers that Jesus prayed for in John 17:20:“I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
This Saturday our teaching and devotional time will be led by Arloa Sutter, the founder of Breakthrough Urban Ministries in Chicago. In 1992, Arloa opened a storefront room owned by the First Evangelical Free Church on Chicago’s North Side and began serving coffee and a hot lunch to the street people who were coming to the church for help. The ministry has grown to provide shelter, supportive housing opportunities, employment counseling and recovery treatment for homeless men and women, recreation, academic tutoring and Bible studies for youth, and a street outreach to women in prostitution. Services are concentrated in the Edgewater/Uptown and East Garfield Park neighborhoods of Chicago. Arloa is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, has a BA in Sociology from Western Illinois University and an MA in Urban Mission from Lincoln Christian Seminary. Breakthrough also has a leadership development program called BUILD (Breakthrough Urban Institute of Leadership Development ===>Click headline to access . . .) which is a transformative adult learning program fostering cross-cultural understanding and urban ministry effectiveness. BUILD brings together small groups of individuals from diverse backgrounds to read books and articles and discuss issues of race, class, justice, urban mission and theology.
We will begin our time together at 7 a.m. with worship and prayer. Please pray with Sister Sutter as she prepares to bring us a word from the Lord. We will allow plenty of time for discussion and questions.
If you can stay, breakfast will be served at around 8:30 a.m. for a cost of $5.
To the glory of God!
Bro. Bob Marsh
323 West Chicago Ave., Hinsdale, IL 60521
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Our aim is to pursue the unity of believers that Jesus prayed for in John 17:20:“I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
This Saturday our teaching and devotional time will be led by Arloa Sutter, the founder of Breakthrough Urban Ministries in Chicago. In 1992, Arloa opened a storefront room owned by the First Evangelical Free Church on Chicago’s North Side and began serving coffee and a hot lunch to the street people who were coming to the church for help. The ministry has grown to provide shelter, supportive housing opportunities, employment counseling and recovery treatment for homeless men and women, recreation, academic tutoring and Bible studies for youth, and a street outreach to women in prostitution. Services are concentrated in the Edgewater/Uptown and East Garfield Park neighborhoods of Chicago. Arloa is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, has a BA in Sociology from Western Illinois University and an MA in Urban Mission from Lincoln Christian Seminary. Breakthrough also has a leadership development program called BUILD (Breakthrough Urban Institute of Leadership Development ===>Click headline to access . . .) which is a transformative adult learning program fostering cross-cultural understanding and urban ministry effectiveness. BUILD brings together small groups of individuals from diverse backgrounds to read books and articles and discuss issues of race, class, justice, urban mission and theology.
We will begin our time together at 7 a.m. with worship and prayer. Please pray with Sister Sutter as she prepares to bring us a word from the Lord. We will allow plenty of time for discussion and questions.
If you can stay, breakfast will be served at around 8:30 a.m. for a cost of $5.
To the glory of God!
Bro. Bob Marsh
323 West Chicago Ave., Hinsdale, IL 60521
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