On January 28, 2003 President George W. Bush, in the State of the Union address, spoke these words "Ladies and gentlemen, seldom has history offered a greater opportunity to do so much for so many." President Bush was speaking of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic.
We are writing to invite you to join a select group of national and international leaders who are serving on the National Convening Committee for City AIDS Summits which are planned for November 30, 2006! You are also invited to join with other leaders for a national conference call scheduled for Thursday, April 27th at 10:00am CDT to get an update and for you to ask questions.
HIV/AIDS affects everyone – both in the United States and around the world. It is clear in Scripture that God desires His Church to respond to the needs of people both locally and globally. The HIV/AIDS pandemic both here in our own cities and communities and in distant lands presents an unprecedented opportunity to practice and proclaim the Gospel of Christ!
Every 14 seconds, more than 7000 times a day, someone dies and children are orphaned due to HIV/AIDS. Millions of children have been left behind with little hope for the future. The pace of infection in the United States is growing at an alarming rate with over 1 million people known to be infected already. Our African-American and Hispanics populations have incurred a majority of the new infections.
The Mission America Coalition and other collaborating partners are calling the Church in America together for City AIDS Summits. It is time, past time really, for every Christian leader to learn about HIV/AIDS and take practical steps of engagement with this pandemic.
The Vision: A National gathering of pastors and other local Christian leaders—in their own cities and communities, on the same day—to seek God's wisdom and direction for the church (individually and corporately), in response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic here in America and around the world.
Your Role: the National Convening Committee for City AIDS Summits would be to help call together a national coalition of leaders, who will in turn invite local pastors and other Christian leaders to host City AIDS Summits this fall on the same day nationwide.
The purpose of the summits is to educate, encourage and equip local churches. We hope that this will be a way to engage members of local congregations with those who are currently faithfully serving in response to HIV/AIDS; domestically as well as internationally. At the City AIDS Summits, we will:
· consider collaboration for expanded and focused holistic evangelism and discipleship
· seek to address long-term ministry needs of those impacted by HIV/AIDS with a sustained prayer, care, and share approach.
This massive pandemic necessitates the entire Body of Christ coming together proclaiming the message of Hope in word and deed .
Our plans are to send a brochure (see attached draft or visit www.cityaids.com) and a cover letter requesting the involvement of these convening leaders. Afterward, letters and emails will go out nationwide to local pastors and Christian leaders in cities/communities inviting them to partner in this effort by hosting the summit where they live or work. A smaller National Design/Planning Team will work on organization details for the Summits; however, your leadership is needed to make this vision a reality.
As you prayerfully consider your involvement for the City AIDS Summits, please join us for a nationwide conference call on Thursday, April 27 th at 10am CST to learn more and discuss the role of the committee. The conference call will last approximately 1 hour.
To get the conference call number and to RSVP please reply to cityaids@missionamerica.org or call Jarvis at 601 932 4522.
Together in Christ,
Jarvis Ward Brian Considine
Jim Overholt GAPP
Mission America Coalition
City AIDS Summits ===>Click headline to access website . . .
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
100 Christian Motorcyclists Needed for Parade

This year the Puerto Rican Parade will be held on June 17th. This is the signature event for the Puerto Rican community in Chicago. We have secured a spot in the parade and our goal to have over 100 Christian motorcyclists participate with Christian flags on their bikes. This would be a non-denominational event and our intension is simply to promote Jesus Christ in force in the parade. We want to invite all of your churches to participate. Please reply if you have any questions or if you’re interested. I look forward to hearing from you.
Leave No Man Behind, Rico Altiery, Jr., Assistant Pastor New Life Covenant
(773) 384-7113 / rico@mynewlife / http://www.mynewlife.org
===>Click headline to access Biker Blessing webiste . . .

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"Uuprecedented Unity: Black and White Clergy"

On Tuesday, April 25, 2006, our Featured Cities Conference Call will focus on Charleston, West Virginia.
God is at work to unify His Body in the city of Charleston and throughout the West Virginia region! Pastors in Charleston have been praying together for more than 15 years, and now there is unprecedented cooperation between the white and black clergy in the city. For example, the meetings of the Charleston Black Ministerial Alliance include many white pastors in the area, and this diverse group of leaders are commited to seeking God together for their city. Join the call to hear more....
Join us on April 25, at 9:00am Pacific time, by calling 563-843-7429 (access code: 643706#).
Co-Facilitated by Dennis Fuqua (IRM) and Phil Miglioratti (NPPN)
International Renewal Ministries
5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 97215
===>Click headline for website . . .
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
G8 United Fervent Prayer Meeting
April 21st G8 United Fervent Prayer Meeting
Hi Everyone,
Just letting you know that we will be meeting in the same room at Moody Bible Inst. that we met in last April.
The room is 211 in the Sweeting Center. It holds about 95 people.
Here are written directions...
From North...take 90-94 (Edens or Kennedy) south east to OHIO street exit
From South...take Dan Ryan Expressway north to OHIO street exit
From West....take 290 east to 90-94 north to OHIO street exit
From the OHIO street exit....go to stop light (Orleans St)....make a left on Orleans, go north to Chicago Ave (5 streets north from Ohio).
Make a right on Chicago Ave...go east, 2 streets to Wells St...make a left on Wells St...go north on Wells St, 3 streets to Locust, make a left on Locust.
Make a quick left on Locust into the visitor's parking lot or just park anywhere on Wells St.*
Walk across Wells St to the "Sweeting Center" Go in entrance on Wells St. Approach guard station. Tell the guard you are with "Gatekeepers Intercessors" and sign in. Take elevator to 2nd floor.
We will be meeting in room 211
If you need more detailed instructions, please go to Moody Bible Institute's Web site: www.moody.edu. Click on Public relations. Find map.
.... time of and format for the meeting on April 21st... this is a statgic time for our state and our pastor's... let's be there to support
them in prayer
6:30 to 7:00 ... Prayer Leaders report on prayer in their churches and suggestions for prayer requests for same... we will pray for each church's prayer team and prayer needs at the 8:00 to 8:30 section from what is shared here..... all 8 Prayer Leaders
7:00 to 7:30... Praise and Worship... George Mosher..... New Life Community
.... G8 Prayer Leaders lead prayer sections
7:30 to 8:00.... Praying for our G8 Pastors ... Pat Shufford.... Salem Baptist
8:00 to 8:30... Praying for our G8 Churches.... .... Harvest Bible
8:30 to 9:00... Praying for unity in the Body of Christ in Chicago.... that the Kingdom of God will reach every nook and cranny of our city...the church, government , education, market place, each neighborhood, etc.... Tony Danhelka
Love you, Tony and Donna Danhelka
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Hi Everyone,
Just letting you know that we will be meeting in the same room at Moody Bible Inst. that we met in last April.
The room is 211 in the Sweeting Center. It holds about 95 people.
Here are written directions...
From North...take 90-94 (Edens or Kennedy) south east to OHIO street exit
From South...take Dan Ryan Expressway north to OHIO street exit
From West....take 290 east to 90-94 north to OHIO street exit
From the OHIO street exit....go to stop light (Orleans St)....make a left on Orleans, go north to Chicago Ave (5 streets north from Ohio).
Make a right on Chicago Ave...go east, 2 streets to Wells St...make a left on Wells St...go north on Wells St, 3 streets to Locust, make a left on Locust.
Make a quick left on Locust into the visitor's parking lot or just park anywhere on Wells St.*
Walk across Wells St to the "Sweeting Center" Go in entrance on Wells St. Approach guard station. Tell the guard you are with "Gatekeepers Intercessors" and sign in. Take elevator to 2nd floor.
We will be meeting in room 211
If you need more detailed instructions, please go to Moody Bible Institute's Web site: www.moody.edu. Click on Public relations. Find map.
.... time of and format for the meeting on April 21st... this is a statgic time for our state and our pastor's... let's be there to support
them in prayer
6:30 to 7:00 ... Prayer Leaders report on prayer in their churches and suggestions for prayer requests for same... we will pray for each church's prayer team and prayer needs at the 8:00 to 8:30 section from what is shared here..... all 8 Prayer Leaders
7:00 to 7:30... Praise and Worship... George Mosher..... New Life Community
.... G8 Prayer Leaders lead prayer sections
7:30 to 8:00.... Praying for our G8 Pastors ... Pat Shufford.... Salem Baptist
8:00 to 8:30... Praying for our G8 Churches.... .... Harvest Bible
8:30 to 9:00... Praying for unity in the Body of Christ in Chicago.... that the Kingdom of God will reach every nook and cranny of our city...the church, government , education, market place, each neighborhood, etc.... Tony Danhelka
Love you, Tony and Donna Danhelka
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
Demonstrate Christian Unity

Is your flock ready for unity?
The Brothers and Sisters United for Christ Foundation is looking for churches interested in participating in the
“Family Christian Parade”
The BSUC Foundation is dedicated to the mission of bringing Christian brothers and sisters from various denominations together for the cause of Christ:
Date: Saturday August 5, 2006.
Time: 11 AM to 12:30 PM (Setup at 10:00 AM)
Location: Fullerton and Narragansett going east to Central
Our purpose is to break barriers among Christian denominations through unity, love, and understanding. Join us as we celebrate unity with various churches, bands, and singers. If your interested in more information please contact us at:
The Brothers and Sisters United for Christ Foundation
1237 N. California
Chicago, IL 60622
Phone: 773.292.1919
Fax: 773.292.1914
Web: www.bsucfoundation.org
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Christ Awakening Prayer
Donna Danhelka has informed us of the next prayer for a Christ Awakewning throughout Chicagoland . .
Just thought I'd let you know the time of and probable format for the G8 prayer meeting at Moody Bible Inst. on April 21st...
6:30 to 7:00 ... Prayer Leaders report on prayer in their churches and suggest prayer requests for same
7:00 to 7:30... Praise and Worship... George Mosher
.... G8 Prayer Leaders lead
7:30 to 8:00.... Praying for our G8 Pastors ... Pat Shufford
8:00 to 8:30... Praying for our G8 Churches.... Ray and Dorie Lorden
8:30 to 9:00... Praying for unity in the Body of Christ in Chicago and that the Gospel will reach every nook and cranny of our city... Christy Minger
Love you, Donna Danhelka
Receive periodic updates on new One Great City postings: subscribe@nppn.org / Subject: OGC Updates
Just thought I'd let you know the time of and probable format for the G8 prayer meeting at Moody Bible Inst. on April 21st...
6:30 to 7:00 ... Prayer Leaders report on prayer in their churches and suggest prayer requests for same
7:00 to 7:30... Praise and Worship... George Mosher
.... G8 Prayer Leaders lead
7:30 to 8:00.... Praying for our G8 Pastors ... Pat Shufford
8:00 to 8:30... Praying for our G8 Churches.... Ray and Dorie Lorden
8:30 to 9:00... Praying for unity in the Body of Christ in Chicago and that the Gospel will reach every nook and cranny of our city... Christy Minger
Love you, Donna Danhelka
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Creative Gifts: Global Conquest is Theme for Karitos 2006

Creative Gifts: Global Conquest is Theme for Karitos 2006
One of America's most unique arts events is coming to the Chicago suburb of Wheaton, IL June 1-3. The Karitos Christian Arts Conference is a celebration of
faith and artdesigned to encourage excellence among Christian artists whether they work in the local church or in the arts and entertainment field. The theme of this year's conference is Creative Gifts: Global Impact.
Karitos features workshops, general sessions and exciting evening celebrations. The evenings feature extravagant worship that incorporates a wide array of artistic disciplines as well as performances by well-know artists. A dance, mime, drama and film showcase, an art gallery and coffeehouse give attendees opportunities to share their talents.
With over 100 workshops in nine separate tracks, Karitos offers something for every artist. Many of the more than forty-plus teachers perform and minister internationally. Dancers Yvonne Peters and Pamela Rutherford-Hardy, actress and film producer Diane Wigstone, Christian music veteran Glenn Kaiser, and Youth With A Mission's Larry Hefty are among this group. Hefty, who has trained musicians and artists in such diverse places as China, India, and Pago Pago, American Samoa, aptly fits the term "Musicianary."
Other noted teachers include Rory Noland, author of the popular book, The Heart of the Artist, visual artists Timothy Botts and Richard Hight, and actor Carl Peters. As an added attraction, a twelve-member team of Native American dancers and drummers under the direction of Terry LeBlanc will be teaching and performing. They are part of a growing movement among Native North American Christians who are reclaiming their culture and using it to glorify God.
Workshops will cover theatre, music, dance, mime, film, worship, writing, visual arts and audio/visual technology. Whether you are part of your church worship, drama or dance ministry, or pursuing a career in the arts, Karitos is not to be missed. For registration, showcase or vendor information, call 847/749-1284 or go to
==>Click headline for more inforation . . .
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