Plans Race Ahead for
2008 Congress on Urban Ministry
Make your plans now to attend SCUPE’s 2008 Congress on Urban Ministry – April 15-18, 2008 at Chicago’s Fourth Presbyterian Church. This biennial event will bring hundreds of urban leaders together around the purposes of creating redemptive communities and instilling prophetic imagination in their work.
Co-chairs of the Congress are Dr. John Kinney, Dean of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University and Dr. Mary Nelson, Founding Director of Bethel New Life in Chicago. John Kinney brings a prophetic presence as well as preaching expertise to the Congress. Mary Nelson brings her own brand of energy developed through years of community organizing and development.
Other plenary speakers for the Congress include:
- Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, Executive Director of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) in Los Angeles
- Dr. Anthony Weston, Professor at Elon University in North Carolina, and author of “How to Re-imagine the World”
- Dr. Grace Lee Boggs, Detroit activist, writer and speaker
- Rev. Young Lee Hertig, Southern California Regional Director, Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity (ISAAC)
- Dr. David Frenchak, President, Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (SCUPE)
An added feature for the 2008 Congress will be the Community Transformation Research Summit, meeting in conjunction with the Congress on Urban Ministry. The Community Transformation Research Summit is spearheaded by a steering committee including Michael Mata of World Vision and Heidi Unruh of Evangelicals for Social Action. The purpose of the summit is to bring together urban practitioners and researchers to learn how to assess and improve the impact of Christian community ministries through participatory research. For further information on the Community Transformation Research Summit, contact Michael Mata( or Marge Berman( at World Vision, 3055 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1030, Los Angeles, CA 90010, Ph: (213)351-1320.
General registration for the Congress on Urban Ministry will begin in mid-January. You’ll be able to register both online at the SCUPE website ( or through a printed registration brochure that will be sent to you next month.
For further information about SCUPE, or CityVoices newsletter, contact:
SCUPE’s CityVoices
200 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 502, Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 726-1200 phone / (312) 726-0425 fax
Copyright 2007 SCUPE, Chicago, Illinois
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