What is "Who's my Neighbor?"
This will be a one-afternoon opportunity to personally interact with some of the families in the housing communities that Riverwoods serves throughout the year. The goal is for 100 people to gain one first-hand experience in the Riverwoods Community Advocacy Ministry.
When is "Who's my Neighbor?"
Tuesday, September 1st from 3:00 pm - 7:30 pm.
What will we be doing?
3:00 PM Meet at Riverwoods / General Orientation
- Basic overview of afternoon
- Distribute Riverwoods Shirts
- Do's / Don'ts in the Community
3:30 PM Break into specific Advocate Areas
- Explanation of Community Specific Programs
- Presentation of Program Registration Forms
4:00 PM Depart to the Elgin & Aurora communities
All groups depart for communities in Riverwoods’ vans with Community Advocates
4:45 PM Door-to-Door Registration in the Communities
Pairs of participants will go door-to-door in each Advocate housing community to meet with families to register kids for fall programs
6:00 PM All groups return to Riverwoods
6:30 PM Casual Dinner at Riverwoods
7:00 PM 30 Minute Debriefing
Dear Friend,
God is doing amazing things in the lives of our kids throughout our communities.
Thank you for considering taking the time to learn "Who's my Neighbor?" here in the Fox River Valley.
As we continue to answer the Lord's call to expand the reach of the Community Advocacy Ministry, we believe that it is absolutely essential for all of our partners to get a deeper understanding of the realities our families are facing in our local housing communities.
"Who's my Neighbor?" will be a one-afternoon opportunity to personally interact with some of the families in the housing communities that Riverwoods serves throughout the year. On Tuesday, September 1st, we will be meeting at Riverwoods at 3pm for a brief orientation and training and then heading out in teams to seven different housing communities. We will be meeting individually with families in their apartments to register kids for our weekly fall programs. This is a great opportunity to learn first hand about the realities of suburban poverty.
There is no cost to attend, adults 21 and older are welcome to participate. To register or for more information please contact : Elizabeth@RiverwoodsChristianCenter.org or call 630-584-2222 x 221.
Jay Curtis, President & CEO
35W701 Riverwoods Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174
How Do I Sign Up?
Contact Person:
Elizabeth Whitehead: 630-584-2222 x221
P.O. Box 4030, St. Charles, IL 60174
What do I need to do to prepare?
Pray that God will prepare your heart for a great experience as you interact with the families in our communities. On September 1st, please arrive promptly at 3 pm so we maximize our time. Please wear casual clothing and limited jewelry.
Volunteer Name: There is no cost to attend, adults 21 and older are welcome to participate. You can mail in the attached registration form or for more information please contact Elizabeth@RiverwoodsChristianCenter.org
or call 630-584-2222 x 221.
Please give us your shirt size:
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