On December 13, 2005, SEW Ministries began sending out e-mails to anyone who was willing to pray. Specifically for the staff and congregation of New Life Community Church. After thirty days of lavishing them with prayer, we finished it off with an amazing night of corporate prayer and worship at New Life. We want you all to know that your prayers and the feedback you shared has really helped encourage New Life. So this e-mail is being sent as an encouragement to all of those who set aside time to pray for this wonderful church. During our last meeting with the staff leaders of New Life, we were told that they've had a vision for missions teams and now there are three missions teams that are going to be sent out in the summer. The second service prayer team has been birthed. There has been an influx of passionate people in prayer: Up to seven in the first service and five in the second service. Now all the services are covered in prayer! Salvations: The three previous years there were 15, 14 and 15 baptisms in water. They have had twelve salvations already this year-following financial messages. Also, 24 people are being schooled and then will be baptized in water.
On behalf of New Life Community Church, Lakeview, I would like to thank all who participated in some way in the Night of Holy Fire on January 13, 2006. Our church was so blessed by those of you who prayed for us, interceded on our behalf, fasted or joined us with SEW Ministries on the night of January 13...a night to remember. We are indeed grateful to you, our brothers and sisters in Christ who ministered to us during the 30 days that lead up to that night.
The power of your prayers is now evident in our church. Many people were deeply touched that night as we experienced an out-pouring of GOD's presence in our midst. As a result of your ministry to our church, we have recently seen an increase in people coming to saving faith in Jesus Christ. On January 7, 2006 we started our 2nd team of people praying through our 10:45 service. We had previously only had a team praying through our 9:00 service since November, 2001. The Spanish congregation started a team of people interceding prior to their service as well. At a recent meeting introducing this summer's 4 short-term mission trips, 50 people attended inquiring of those trips. For several years now it has been my heart's desire to see our church become a praying church. Thanks to all of you, a spark has begun to turn into a flame. May the Lord continue to fan that flame at our church, in your life and in the region of Chicagoland to His Honor and Glory!
Thank you and God Bless You!
George Mosher, Prayer Ministry Leader
New Life Community Church, Lakeview, Chicago, IL
During the thirty days of prayer, we receive many testimonials from the staff and members of New Life's Congregation. Here are a few examples:
"I knew you all were praying for thirty days for New Life, but I didn't know it was thirty days prior to the Night of Holy Fire. I had been struggling in my prayer life and finally experienced a breakthrough, like someone had been praying for me. We've had an increase in attendace for the Spanish congregation....Pastor has been on fire....The Youth Group was blessed on Friday. ...Thank you for your ministry and interceding. So that's who's been interceding on my behalf, I thought. It's been awesome, thanks again for your prayers, of which I have felt directly."
"I could sense a deeper change in the prayer team this morning. ...Those who are discerning noticed a difference also.... We appreciate so much the lavishing prayer that we received on Friday and the past thirty days for our church."
"I was very encouraged and refreshed and thankful for your faithfulness to come and minister to us and pray for us as a part of the body of Christ....From a grateful sister in the Lord."
"Thanks for supporting and joining our church in this venture. It has been a prayer answered...
Again, we would like to thank all of the intercessors from various churches that attended that night! Especially those who diligently prayed for the thirty days and were not able to join us. It truly was a most blessed evening. Many prayers were answered and wonderful doors have been opened! We will be sending notices for the next church God wants to bless. Grace and peace be to you from the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come!
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