Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2008 Congress on Urban Ministry

SCUPE’s CityVoices

Plans Race Ahead for
2008 Congress on Urban Ministry

Make your plans now to attend SCUPE’s 2008 Congress on Urban Ministry – April 15-18, 2008 at Chicago’s Fourth Presbyterian Church. This biennial event will bring hundreds of urban leaders together around the purposes of creating redemptive communities and instilling prophetic imagination in their work.

Co-chairs of the Congress are Dr. John Kinney, Dean of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University and Dr. Mary Nelson, Founding Director of Bethel New Life in Chicago. John Kinney brings a prophetic presence as well as preaching expertise to the Congress. Mary Nelson brings her own brand of energy developed through years of community organizing and development.

Other plenary speakers for the Congress include:

  • Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, Executive Director of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) in Los Angeles
  • Dr. Anthony Weston, Professor at Elon University in North Carolina, and author of “How to Re-imagine the World”
  • Dr. Grace Lee Boggs, Detroit activist, writer and speaker
  • Rev. Young Lee Hertig, Southern California Regional Director, Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity (ISAAC)
  • Dr. David Frenchak, President, Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (SCUPE)

An added feature for the 2008 Congress will be the Community Transformation Research Summit, meeting in conjunction with the Congress on Urban Ministry. The Community Transformation Research Summit is spearheaded by a steering committee including Michael Mata of World Vision and Heidi Unruh of Evangelicals for Social Action. The purpose of the summit is to bring together urban practitioners and researchers to learn how to assess and improve the impact of Christian community ministries through participatory research. For further information on the Community Transformation Research Summit, contact Michael Mata( or Marge Berman( at World Vision, 3055 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1030, Los Angeles, CA 90010, Ph: (213)351-1320.

General registration for the Congress on Urban Ministry will begin in mid-January. You’ll be able to register both online at the SCUPE website ( or through a printed registration brochure that will be sent to you next month.

For further information about SCUPE, or CityVoices newsletter, contact:
SCUPE’s CityVoices

200 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 502, Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 726-1200 phone / (312) 726-0425 fax
Copyright 2007 SCUPE, Chicago, Illinois

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Lake County ~ 72 Congregations / 51 Senior Pastors

Catalyst w flame

Nearly 400 of us gathered "around the bonfire" two weeks ago at our fourth annual Catalyst Forum at Trinity University in Deerfield. It was an incredible time to "warm our hands", cast vision for unity, and tell stories of God's goodness as we take steps together. [Listen to the Audio] 72 churches, 51 senior pastors, over 200 church staff, and dozens of local community leaders gathered with the common understanding that we can do so much more together than we can do individually. [Online Photo Album]

As we approach the close of 2007, I urge you to prayerfully consider how you and/or your church can actively partner with fellow "revolutionaries" in 2008. Strategically decide right now to be a part of one or more Catalyst initiatives - not merely as "add on" events to your churches calendar, but focused efforts that help you move with God as He moves us.

Here are several key ways to do that:

  • Attend your District Gathering this week
  • Bring your whole staff and leadership team to pray with and for the county at the January When We Pray Gathering in Lake Zurich. WWP is our corporate time of dependence on God.
  • Decide now to be a ShareFest 2008 church - email
  • Mark your calendar for February 15th when Pastor James Meeks from Salem Baptist Church in Chicago will be with us at our next Catalyst All-County "Bonfire" Gathering.

One additional request would be for you to prayerfully consider becoming financial partners with us. We long to become more helpful to churches in our community and your gift(s) will be used to brag on God's goodness through the Church of Northern Chicagoland!

Serving Together,

Bill Yaccino, Executive Director, Catalyst

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Sunday, December 02, 2007

reStart ~ A New Strategy in Chicago Church Planting

...An amazing story of New Life Community, Pastor Mark Jobe and what their church has done to partner with dying churches in urban Chicago. I’m inspired and excited…..this needs to be what is happening in all of our city centers. Mark had this video produced because he gets contacted weekly by churches in Chicago who are calling to find out if he’ll come and share this vision with their deacons and elder boards. AMAZING!!!!

o.918.695.8055 / c.405.513.1178

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Take a Stand - Boycott "The Golden Compass"

Church of Scotland Rejects 'Golden Compass' Boycott Calls
The Church of Scotland is going against the tide of opposition to the soon-to-be-released movie “The Golden Compass“ by rejecting calls for its boycott and saying it is instead "looking forward to a major cinematic event this ...

Saturday, November 03, 2007

A Call to Pray for the Muslim World

A Call to Pray for the Muslim World
Saturday, November 10, 2007
9:00am - 12:00pm

Billy Graham Center
Barrows Auditorium
Wheaton College

"Join us as we pray for the one true God to reveal himself to Muslims in Chicago and around the world so that they may come to faith in Jesus Christ."

Questions? Contact the Billy Graham Center Muslim Ministries Department: or call 630-752-5279. Please RSVP by November 7.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Prayer! AMERICA'S Strength & Shield !

radio Hear Today's Radio Message
Hymn Writers, Be Thou My Vision
Watch this video to capture the vision of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.
Watch Video >>
NDP Vision

Monday, October 15, 2007

Caring in Lake County

Loaves & Fishes will be at The Pointe in October and Fellowship of Faith in November. Willow Creek McHenry County will be sponsoring the mobile food truck distribution for December. There will also be an unadvertised coat drive during the October distribution, so please start gathering coats, hats, gloves, and other cold weather wear at your church, business, etc............and clean out those closets!! More details to follow soon about where to drop off all your donations.

DATE: Saturday, OCTOBER 27, 2007
TIME: 10 a.m. – 12 noon
LOCATION: The Pointe Outreach Center
(next to Target in Crystal Lake)

DATE: Saturday, NOVEMBER 17, 2007
TIME: 10 a.m. – 12 noon
LOCATION: Fellowship of Faith Lutheran Church
(north on Walkup; left at Mason Hill Road)

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Chicago Youth - "Save Your Sex"

Dwayne invited you to "Save Your Sex Summit" on Sunday,
November 11 at 6:00pm.

Event: Save Your Sex Summit
"Featuring Josh McDowell and Tedashii"
What: Rally
When: Sunday, November 11 at 6:00pm
Where: New Life Community Church -- Midway

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

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Monday, October 01, 2007

One Church ~ Fan the Flame

2007 Forum Gathering
Forum07 logo
Catalyst of Lake County
DATE: Friday, November 16th
TIME: 8:30am-12:30pm
LOCATION: Trinity International University, Deerfield
REGISTER: [Click Here]
There is no charge for this event. It is a gift to the leaders and volunteers in our community.

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Building Relationships on Chicago’s Southwest Side

SCUPE’s CityVoices
A resource of the Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education

Maranatha Assembly – Building Relationships on Chicago’s Southwest Side

Rev. Larry Peak(Rev. Larry Peak is a pastor of Maranatha Assembly of God located in the midst of Chicago’s southwest side Gage Park and Chicago Lawn communities. The old Lithuanian business district near 59th and Kedzie has seen lots of changes in the past 20 years, becoming predominantly Mexican with lots of renovated and new housing. Founded in the mid-1980s, Maranatha’s future remains missions-focused.)

Q. - What are the changes that you see happening during the last five years in your Gage Park / Chicago Lawn community?

Economically, everything is going well. The last few years have seen a property boom around here with our proximity to Midway Airport. Home ownership has become increasingly Hispanic. Population has gone from 55 percent ethnic Anglo in the 1980s to nearly 80 percent Hispanic today (primarily Mexican).

Q. - Maranatha Assembly has a big outreach to homeless people. Where does that come from?

We just started that four years ago. The first Sunday of each month is a “friends and family Sunday.” We set up dining tables and a buffet line in the church. We eat first, have fellowship and then church follows. We’ll get more than 30 homeless people coming for those “friends and family Sundays.” Then we also offer a good meal for homeless people each Friday evening at the church.

Everything we do has to be community-oriented and relationship-oriented...We want to establish redemptive relationships with people that will point them to Christ.

Q. - How are you responding to the majority of Latino people in your community?

We just started a Spanish service at 6:00 pm on Sundays. We’ve had over 30 people the last three weeks. It’s not a separate church, it’s part of Maranatha Assembly. I preach in English, and someone translates my sermon into Spanish. We’ll do it that way until God raises somebody up from right within the congregation to preach and lead the entire service in Spanish.

Q. - Dream ahead. How do you envision the future for your church and community in the next five or ten years?

Our church has turned around in the five years I’ve been here. We’ve gone from 30 people then, to about 100 now on Sunday mornings. God established our church here in 1986 with a specific vision, and we’ve worked to rediscover that vision in recent years. I don’t believe God changes his vision, though there may be different methods on how to get to those goals. Everything we do has to be community-oriented and relationship-oriented. I don’t believe that old evangelism methods work anymore. You don’t go door-to-door anymore where people are resistant to that. We want to establish redemptive relationships with people that will point them to Christ.

Q. - As an Assemblies of God congregation, what gifts do you bring that enable you to really minister to this community?

Worship at our church is lively and exuberant, and that lends itself to a Hispanic culture. People enjoy our style. We believe in the gifts of the Spirit – signs and wonders. We hear people who respond to our message say, “This is what we’ve been looking for.” If we’re going to reach our community, it’s going to happen one-by-one – through relationships.

One of the incredible things God can do at Maranatha is to provide the mix of ethnic groups. Even though our church is about 70 percent Hispanic, about 20 percent of our people are African American and others are white. On Sundays, we’ve got a big mix of people who are getting used to worshipping together in a multicultural setting. This is happening as the result of building personal and spiritual relationships with two African American men. Right now there’s the potential for more African Americans coming to our church, even though our community is primarily Hispanic.

Contact: Pastor Larry Peak, Maranatha Assembly of God, 3542 W. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60629, (773) 505-8550,

For further information about SCUPE, or CityVoices newsletter, contact:
SCUPE’s CityVoices
200 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 502
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 726-1200 phone / (312) 726-0425 fax
Copyright 2007 SCUPE, Chicago, Illinois

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Chicago's Pacific Garden Mission

ASSIST News Service (ANS) - PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609-0609 USA
Visit our web site at: -- E-mail:

Dedication of new Pacific Garden Mission building, special tours, speaker, luncheon, Unshackled! broadcast, scheduled for October 13

By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (ANS) -- The doors of the Pacific Garden Mission doors first opened on September 15, 1877 and have been open every day since for over 47,500 consecutive days -- over half the time the United States has existed and spanning the terms of 25 US presidents.

America's largest continuously operating rescue mission is set to vacate its State Street location after 84 years during the 130th anniversary of the Mission and the 57th anniversary of its Unshackled! Radio Broadcast.

Now, after years of prayer, planning and construction, the big day for Pacific Garden Mission to move into its new building is quickly approaching.

Landscaping is almost complete at the site of the new PGM building.
The Mission, America's largest continuously operating rescue mission, will dedicate its new building at an Open House on Saturday, October 13, 2007, 10AM to 5PM at its new location, 1458 S. Canal Street, Chicago. All are welcome -- no reservations are necessary.

It's a joyous and exciting time for PGM as September 15 marked the Mission's 130th Anniversary and September 23 marked the 57th Anniversary of the award-winning Unshackled! radio series. After being located at 646 South State Street since 1923, the Mission eagerly anticipates bringing all of its ministry services under one roof.

The Mission is required to move due to action taken by the City of Chicago under the law of eminent domain. Relocation will allow expansion of the adjacent Jones College Prep High School. In a process spanning several years, the City of Chicago helped PGM to locate a suitable site about a mile from its State street location.

Started at 386 S. Clark Street by Colonel George Clarke and his wife Sarah, the Mission began in a little storefront room. They later moved to a space vacated by the Pacific Beer Garden, calling it Pacific Garden Mission at the suggestion of evangelist D. L. Moody. That address was 100 East Van Buren Street, later changed to 67 East Van Buren.

In 1923 evangelist and former professional baseball player for the Chicago White Stockings [later to become the Cubs], Billy Sunday, donated $42,000 to enable the PGM to move to 646 South State Street where it has been ever since.

David McCarrell, Pacific Garden Mission President, noted, "There's a lot of history here, but we've really outgrown this facility. We changed a lot of lives - those who used to be homeless have moved on and are contributing to this city and the country."

The new structure will increase capacity by over 35 percent from 97,086 square feet to approximately 150,000 square feet, of which 145,551, or 95 percent of the space, will be devoted to residential space and services, including dormitories, clinic, dining area, auditorium, bathrooms, showers, and classrooms.

Once relocated, PGM will be able to accommodate over 950 people each night, including approximately 200 women and children. Larger quarters will also allow the simultaneous feeding of over 600 people [a 400 percent increase from the current 150] and the seating of 600 in the auditorium [up 240 percent from the current 250].

Foto caption two: 'The new PGM bulilding features solar warming panels.

Located in Chicago, one of America's Ten Greenest Cities, the new Pacific Garden Mission building will be the first such green rescue mission in America and will serve as a prototypical mission with a number of self-sustaining elements. It will contain energy efficient and environmentally beneficial features, including 100 solar panels, courtyard, ample insulation, energy efficient heating/cooling, greenhouses, material conservation and recycling.

An inner landscaped courtyard and plentiful windows will provide fresh air and sunshine without the need to be on the streets. The functional three-story concrete structure, easily accessible from Chicago's central city area, was designed to meet LEED [Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design] Silver Certification requirements of the US Green Building Council. Chicago Richard M. Daley, long an advocate of green building in Chicago, plans to attend the October 13 Dedication.

Greenhouses which will be used to grow produce for the Mission will also serve as training grounds for men and women to learn horticultural skills. Stanley Tigerman, the renowned Chicago architect who drew up the plans for the building, is passionate about the work of Pacific Garden Mission. Mr. Tigerman stated, "Instead of warehousing people, the greenhouse is an attempt to bring [homeless] people back into society by giving them jobs."

David McCarrell added, "Though our services have expanded and grown over the years, our mission remains the provide for the spiritual and physical needs of those to whom we the name of Jesus Christ. As we continue to rely on God to provide in the future, we are also confident that our ministry partners, the individuals, businesses, churches, and foundations that faithfully support PGM, will stand with us through this important time."

Guests may attend all or part of scheduled activities. Ample free parking is available adjacent to the Mission building. Bulletin inserts are available for churches and groups by calling 312/922-1462.

The October 13 Grand Opening/Dedication is scheduled from 10AM-5PM:

10:00AM Mission Open for Tours

11:30AM-1:00PM Complimentary Buffet Luncheon

1:00-2:30PM Dedication Service: Dr. Louis Barbieri - Keynote Speaker &
Professor & Chair Dept of Theology, Moody Bible Institute

2:30-3:00PM Refreshments Served

3:00-4:15PM Live Production of Unshackled! radio program

For more information or to make a donation, contact Pacific Garden Mission at 312/922-1462 or visit or [Construction photos and architectural renderings are available for downloading on both websites]

Media Contact: Tony Rufo at 630/682-0517

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Networking Prayer in Lake County

Prayer 3Greetings!

Never Quit the Fight!

Ralph Peters' most recent book by the above title speaks of the war taking place in Iraq of which the stakes are extremely high not only for America, but also the world.

He's a brilliant strategist and thinker in regards to global conflicts. When going to war you go to win! Peters states, "we have to maintain a strength of will equal to that of our opponents. War demands consistency, and we're the most fickle great power in history. We must focus on defeating our enemies, brushing aside all other considerations."

I do not believe this man is a believer, but he's speaking our language as far as spiritual warfare is concerned. The stakes are high (lost souls and unity of believers in Lake County). In regards to this life as a Christian, we're at war whether we believe it or not. Prayer is warfare. Life is war. But one thing about this spiritual war is we have holy armor and all heaven's backing (Ephesians 6:10-18). Victory was declared 2000 years ago at Calvary. Our prayers must be postured in that victory! Therefore as one writer comments: "Prayer is striking the winning blow...service is gathering up the result."

Let's break down Peters' assessment of war:

1. We have to maintain a strength of will equal to that of our opponents.

A prominent speaker wrote this, "We find that the greatest resistance to God's kingdom on earth is not the power of darkness, but the human will." NEVER QUIT! In prayer, you stand united in Christ's victory over battles and issues. Our strength of will must go BEYOND that of our enemy.

2. War demands consistency.

We must be vigilant in prayer, DAILY. We can't hide or run from the battle! Remember, our enemies don't take breaks or holiday leave from their agenda of killing, stealing and destroying us (John 10:10).

3. We must focus on defeating our enemies

Look to the Captain of the Lord's host. He leads the way. When you battle together in prayer with the Captain, you WIN! You defeat the enemy through prayer and obedience-our speech and actions.

Let's continue to pray--strike the winning blow and in our serving this county, we'll gather up the God-ordained results!

When We PrayA city-wide or county-wide prayer movement will never be any stronger than the prayer in the local church.

When We Pray on Saturday, October 20, 2007
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Lakeland Evangelical Free Church
440 North Hunt Club Road, Gurnee, IL 60031 847.856.1240
This prayer gathering is a blend of people from various churches all across Lake County. We pray for the needs of the county and all churches. We encourage everyone to come and share in this special time of prayer and worship for our communities here in Lake County.

All Night PrayerPrayer for Muslims

All Night Prayer Vigil for Muslims

October 5-6, Friday - Saturday

8:00 pm - 6:00 am
Lakeland Evangelical Free Church
440 North Hunt Club Road, Gurnee, IL 60031

Prayerfest for Sharefest - 30-Day, 30-Churches

Prayer 4We're asking churches to sign-up for a day of prayer and fasting for ShareFest during the month of October. We encourage people to pray from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm in 30 or 15 minute time slots. Check out the ShareFest website ( and click on the "county-wide activities" and view the various churches who have signed up. If your church is not involved, why not send them this email or contact Debbie Stackhouse for more info.

Prayer Requests

Lake County's Economy

· Families caught in the subprime upheaval.

· There are a couple of major corporations/businesses in our county who are looking to close or move out of state.

· Churches that are affected by the economic downturn. Some are feeling the financial crunch.

Answers to Prayer

At our Into Flame conference we mentioned the need for a 24/7 prayer center in Lake County. Revival Temple, downtown Waukegan, was in the process of starting a 24/7 prayer center, but needed $15,000 to complete the work. The rooms are gutted and in need of drywall, flooring, etc. Prayer stations will be set up and each day of the week will have a different prayer theme. A very generous person was moved by the announcement and donated $5,000.00 towards the completion of this prayer center. What's important is that this prayer center is located at the "county seat." We know that prayer shapes the world-and counties.

Michelle Van Loon's Mother Called Home

After being diagnosed with cancer, Michelle's mother was transferred to a hospice. She resisted the gospel for years, but during this time at the hospice, the Lord surrounded her with Christian nurses. Then this past week she prayed the sinner's prayer! The Lord is amazing and faithful. Michelle's mother died Saturday at 1:00 pm. Continue to lift Michelle and her family in prayer during this time.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Do You Have a Desperation for Transformation?

If you have a desire to see the Chicago land area changed for Christ, you are in the right place. Coming to Desperation for Transformation will be a time of birthing and growth within the hearts of area leaders. Through this conference and the teachings of John Mulinde, we will see Kingdom minded individuals challenged to operate in the power of prayer to bring about true change. Join us, and take advantage of this unique opportunity.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lawndale's Wayne Gordon onPBS

One of the stories RELIGION & ETHICS NEWSWEEKLY will be covering this week. Every Friday evening, new stories are uploaded to the Web site at:

Lawndale Community Church
When Wayne Gordon first moved to the North Lawndale community, located on Chicago's Westside, more than 30 years ago, it was one of the poorest neighborhoods in the U.S. As a recent graduate of Wheaton College and Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Gordon had come to the Lawndale area to coach high school football and wrestling. But what he found was high school students who lacked an interest in church and God. So he and his wife began a Bible study out of their small apartment. Today their ministry to a handful of teenagers has grown into a congregation of a thousand people and a mission to save the neighborhood.

Robert Jordan talks to Pastor Gordon, founder of Lawndale Community Church, about his efforts to revitalize his Chicago community -- not only through his ministry -- but also by providing quality housing, health and educational services. "Church is not about being in here. Church is about doing something in our neighborhood," Pastor Gordon explains. "We want every human being that lives here to be able to stay here but to have a quality of life that will make a difference in their life."

Read more about Lawndale Community Church at:

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Friday, September 07, 2007

ABC News Anchorman Moderates Chicago Forum

Who will Moderate the for ACT 3 Forum Event

Alan KrasheskyWe are pleased to announce that Alan Krashesky, anchorman for ABC News 7 in Chicago, will be the moderator for our ACT 3 Forum in Naperville.

More information about Mr. Krashesky.

More information about The Roman Catholic and Evangelical Dialoge

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Praying For & With Emerging Leaders

I am on the planning committee for the Chicago Re:Load. ReLoad ( is a 1 day conference that is held in 20 cities around the nation, a local version of the national conference for urban youth workers sponsored by the Urban Youth Workers Institute ( ) Speakers & partcipants include Phil Jackson (of Tha House), Danny Lopez (formerly of Evangel Assembly & now Lopez Out Loud), Brian Dye (Vision Nehemiah/ Urban Youth Network), Marvin Daniels (KAA), Larry Acosta (UYWI), Ginny Olson (North Park University) and many others.

Chicago's conference is Saturday April 5, 2008, from 8:30a-3pm, (2 general sessions, worship, lunch & 2 workshops, with a planned bonus session ending around 4:30pm)

A suggestion i had was to have something called "Unload", where at any time during the conference, attenders could go to a prayer counselor. We're even suggesting that people skip a seminar (at least 10 options, which would be high quality) if they need prayer -- it's that important. We would love it if you and anyone you know that would be appropriate could come and volunteer. If they could even come for an hour, that would be great.

You may have gotten an e-mail from me about this in October of 2006 for March 2007's conference. Unfortunately, i didn't get the response i had hoped. I only had one other person with me to pray for the over 400 who arrived (another 100 attempted to come from out of state, but couldn't due to the snow that friday). I would love to have 18 prayer counselors (6 per 3 & 1/2 hour shift). If you can't make it or are not interested, i would appreciate a referral to someone else who you think might be interested.

To get a sneak preview of what that will look like, there is something called "Preload", which has a general speaker and only 1 workshop, and an optional lunch. That is happening THIS SATURDAY, September 8, from 8:30 pm - 12noon (lunch follows Preload)

For more information contact myself at or 312-282-2809, or also contact Chicago's coordinator,

Alison Burkhardt
Assistant Director, Center for Youth Ministry Studies
North Park University
3225 W Foster Ave
Chicago, IL 60625-4895
773-244-5207 phone
773-244-5218 fax



p.s. We would also love to have someone coordinate the prayer aspect of the conference. Let me know if you or someone you know might be interested. Thanks again!

JP Paulus
Networking Chicago & beyond...
312-282-2809 = cell
773-783-3970 = landline
jp (at)

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

National Prayer Leaders @ Chicago Conference

I want to invite YOU to join me and the Eagles' Wings Team for a special upcoming gathering in the Chicago area in November!

This November 8-10, our fall Eagles' Wings Midwest Conference, "Overcoming Faith," will be held in Bolingbrook, IL, with special guests LOU ENGLE of The Call, DAVID BUTTS of Harvest Prayer Ministries, Indiana, and JULIE MEYER of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. Make plans NOW to join us for this breakthrough gathering!

A special luncheon with Lou Engle and Robert Stearns, for pastors and those in any type of full-time ministry leadership, will be held on Friday, November 9, at 12:30 pm. Space is limited; tickets can be purchased for $15 per person by calling 1-800-51-WINGS.

In these important days, let's unite as one Body of Christ and proclaim that together, with our God, we will overcome!

Shalom, Robert Stearns

Living Water Community Church
190 Lily Cache Lane
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Host Pastor: Ken Hansen
Guest Ministers: Lou Engle, David Butts, Julie Meyer

Thursday, November 8
7:00 pm Session

Friday, November 9 and Saturday, November 10
9:30 am Session
2:00 pm Seminar
7:00 pm Session

Pre-service worship and intercession begins one hour before morning and evening sessions.

Evening sessions are open to the public.

Call 1-800-51-WINGS and mention that you heard about the conference from the EWM Report, or visit

OCTOBER 26 is the last day to register with the early discounted rate.

Registration rates: Individual $39 / Couple $64 / Ministry Leaders' Luncheon $15

Individual and couple registrations at the door are an additional $6. Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable; cancelled check is proof of registration.

Childcare is available and will be provided for infants - 3 years old, for evening sessions only, 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm, beginning on Thursday night ($7 suggested donation per child, per session).

La Quinta Inn Bolingbrook
225 W. South Frontage Road
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
$75 per night
*Reserve by October 11, ask for the Eagles’ Wings rate

Eagles' Wings Ministries
PO Box 450, Clarence, NY 14031
Ph: 716-759-1058 - Fx: 716-759-0731
Visit us on the web at
To subscribe to this or other Eagles' Wings e-mail updates, visit...

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Workshop to Strengthen Your Team

Resolving Conflict Workshop

Does your team …
  • Exhibit a high level of trust?
  • Move on quickly after disagreements?
  • Engage in healthy conflict?

Register now at

You’ll discover …
Ø Your own primary style of conflict resolution and how to build on it
Ø Healthy ways of engaging in conflict
Ø How to move past personal issues to business issues
Ø Principles for making conflict constructive

Where: The Centre of Elgin, Pioneer Room (100 Symphony Way, in Elgin)
When: Tuesday, September 18 from 8AM to 9AM
How much: $15

About the Presenter:

John Barcanic is the President of Barcanic and Associates, a firm dedicated to growing companies by growing their people. John has developed and taught numerous management seminars and is known as a highly effective communicator. As a Registered Corporate Coach with the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches, John has developed several innovative coaching and assessment tools including the nexStep™ and LeaderMentor™ programs.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Back-to-School Prayer Rally ~ Over 100 Kids & Parents

On 8/31/07, wrote:

This year the annual back to school prayer rally hosted by Community Prayer Circle was held at the Bethlehem Temple Baptist Church in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, Rev. Dr. J.C. Smith is the pastor.

We were blessed with numerous heart felt prayers, several skits dramatizing common situations in school, mime, praise dancers, steppers and the combined Sunbeam and Youth choirs. All from BTNW as this location of the church is called. The attendance averaged near one hundred children and parents. To God be the glory. Ann

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Parade for Jesus

Saturday, August 25, 2007 at 10am

Step off @ Apostolic Church of Austin (5138 W. Division & Laramie)

Destination: Lafollette Park

Followed by: Spiritual Awakening Convention in the Lafollette Park Auditoirum

Information: 630-372-5845

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Friday, August 10, 2007

"Into Flame" Prayer Conference

Hello Phil,

I pray that your summer is going well. Jim wanted you to know about our "Into Flame" prayer conference,
August 25 at Faith Church in Grayslake. If you go to the Catalyst website, click on When We Pray/more
events and you'll see a flier. Click on link. Jim wanted to know if you could promote it on your website. We have people registering from DuPage and Cook county===>Click headline to access website . . . .

The particulars:
  • Into Flame, Lake County Prayer Conference
  • Half-Day conference from 8:00--1:00
  • Will be held at Faith Church, 954 Brae Loch road, Grayslake
  • Cost $20.00
  • People can prepay. Write check to Catalyst--memo: prayer conference. Send check to:
  • Catalyst, 1200 American Way, Libertyville, IL 60048

It's important that they register via e-mail to one of the following:
-Michelle VAn
Or call Debbie Stackhouse: 847-746-3041

Let me know if you need anymore info.
Thanks Phil
Debbie Stackhouse

Catalyst: One County. One Church.
Associate Director
The flame of God's presence is the power cell of the church.

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Back to School Prayer Rally August 25


Can you believer it! Before we know it, it will be time for our students to enter and re-enter the world of academia.

As Christian servants, it is our duty to make our supplications and petitions known unto God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

This letter represents a formal request of each of you to pray for a safe and prosperous 2007-2008 school year. Pray that this school year will benefit youths as well as adults and all those who will be involved in the formal educational settings soon to come all for the glory of God our Father who is in Heaven

Therefore, we implore you to set a portion of your prayer time aside and pray specifically for God's intercession at the prayer rally, August 25th at BTNW at 4:00PM. Please pray that all in attendance will put on the whole armor of God so that they may stand against the wiles of the devil in all aspects of their lives, including school. Pray for the students, pray for the teachers, pray for the administrators, pray for the cooks, and the janitors, the nurses and the volunteers, the special guests, the boards of education and all government officials involved with the schooling of our students.. Pray for the parents and families of all students who will be attending school this year. Pray that needs be met. Pray that those in authority will seek godly counsel and guidance Pray that those who are not in authority to submit to directives given.

As you seriously pray for others, watch and see how God blesses you.

This is an all call message. Everyone who receives this note is encouraged to pray for a safe and successful school year. Remember Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope for a successful school year. Be patient should tribulations occur, and always be instant in prayer for our students especially between July 25th and August 25, 2007.

In Christian love,
Ann Evans, Secretary, Community Prayer Circle, CP

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Friday, July 20, 2007

August Connections Across the City

Brothers and Sisters United in Christ Foundation

Everett Gutierrez


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Saturday, August 4

(every 1st Saturday in August)

The parade is 1pm – 2pm, and the festival is 2pm to 9pm. Meets at Riis Park at Fullerton & Naragansett

The festival will host a series of activities for
children and families with different ministry entertainment Join us as we unite Christians
from all
across Chicago to glorify God in celebration of our faith!

Bud Billiken Parade
A great opportunity for outreach and advertising your event or ministry. In 2005, more than 1.5 million persons lined the parade's route, and More than 65,000 persons and 160 floats and vehicles participated.
Saturday, August 11 @ 10am

Chicago Defender Charities , Inc
700 East Oakwood Blvd. 5th Flr,
Chicago, IL 60616
773- 536-3710 , fax:773- 536-3718

Summer Mania Outreach
A four evening youth rally featuring drama, games and Gospel messages. Concludes with a block party on Saturday.

Brian Dye

Judson Baptist Church
1252 N. Austin

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The Legacy Youth & Adult Discipleship Conference

From the coalition of ministries that brought you 2006’s Heavyweights conference.

Contact Brian Dye for details at 773.704.8188 or e-mail him at

Workshops, seminars, real-life experience, hip hop concert, speakers: LeCrae, J’Son, Shai Linn

August 9-11
All Ages 13 and up

Christ Bible Church (South Side)

Judson Baptist Church, 1252 N. Austin (West/ North Side)

Christ Bible Church Youth Revival Willie Wilson 773-750-7716
August 23-25
At Christ Bible Church (formerly known as South Shore Baptist Church)

Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) Youth Conference 3555 W. Ogden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60623
(773) 762-0994
(773) 346-0071 Fax

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Shaken Internet Radio Channels Face Specter of New Fees Sunday

Please, "pray the news"


Sunday will be a day of reckoning for Internet radio stations.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to stop an increase in royalty and broadcasting fees, jeopardizing the future of some stations. As a result of the decision, handed down Wednesday, fee hikes will take effect in another two days.

The Copyright Royalty Board, which is part of the Library of Congress, decided in March to almost triple current royalty rates by 2010 and impose an annual 0 fee per station or channel. The decision was urged by SoundExchange, an organization created by the recording industry.

In recent months, some smaller Web stations shut down in anticipation of the higher fees. More say they will close as a result of the court decision.

Web radio stations and their listeners have been lobbying Congress to pass legislation that would void the Copyright Royalty Board's decision and use a system that would assess royalties based on a station's revenue. But there has not been any legislative action on the proposal. READ MORE

Saturday, July 07, 2007

5,000 Prayer Coloring Books

Dear Phil:

Our very small group of Christian Day Care Providers has recently received a matching funds grant to distribute 20,000 Lord's Prayer Coloring books to inner city Chicago. 5,000 books will be distributed through the Salvation Army, an uncertain number through moody Bible Institute. All this in October 2007 just in time for including the books in any Christmas sharing programs. Ministries or church's willing/able to help distribute the balance of the books should contact Charles white ( We are asking churches who are able to help us cover POSTAGE with a gift of $5. for each 100 books but for the books themselves there is no charge, we just need help in getting them to those in greatest need.

We are even offering two $100 prizes to children who tell us: "What I learned from making a prayer jar and sticking with my prayers." There may not be enough coloring books to go around as we must distribute in lots of 100 books but ANYONE may enter the contest by visiting and clicking on "CONTEST" at the top of the page.

By the Grace of God we HOPE to repeat the project in Houston in March of 2008. We have a matching funds grant for Houston and would very much appreciate people praying that God would help us find the $4,400 needed to match this second grant IN TIME to plan the second give away. The next two cities on our list are Atlanta and Los Angeles. And then may the God of all hope help us find our way to the largest 100 cities in the nation. We are a small group with a big dream but so far God has been good to give us the help we need for a running start at this.

We are calling our giveaway "Project Pray". Hope you might help us find churches and ministries interested in distributing books. Our email is

In His Service and Yours,

J. Charles White, Project Pray

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Christian Dance @ Karitos

Karitos is heaven on earth for the Christian Artists. Yours truly will be teaching once again this year. I'm a featured instructor in the Drama section. I'm teaching Introduction to Theatre, Character Development, and Stand-Up Comedy. Don't miss it. If you can't make it, be sure to pass it along. I look forward to seeing you there. God bless you and guide you.
Yours in Service,
Allen D. Edge

The 13th Annual Karitos Christian Arts Conference is set for Aug. 1-4 at Living Waters Community Church in Bolingbrook, IL. While the conference covers all areas of the arts, dance continues to draw the most people. Way of Life Ministries from Miami, perhaps the most exciting performing arts ministry in the country, will be teaching and will also be the featured artists on Friday night. If you've seen Cirque du Soleil, you will have an idea of Way of Life's ministry. Trained in ballet and acrobatics, they call what they do AcroDramance, a combination of acrobatics, drama and dance. You can get a taste of their ministry by going to and linking to their website.
The dance faculty also includes Dr. Pamela Hardy of Columbus, OH, Maura Hoagland of Louisville, KY, Linda Wade and Alyse Roeder of Milwaukee's Dance Eternal, Pastor Karen Williams of Chicago and Pastor Cory Ratliff of Waukegan, IL. In addition to dance, Karitos offers workshops in eight other tracks, drama, music, worship, visual arts, vocal, literary arts, film and audio/visual technology. A complete workshop schedule can be found the website and additional information can be obtained by calling 847/749-1284.
The conference kicks off on Thrusday evening with a colorful processional. A number of people arrive earlier in the day to put it together. Powerful worship and exciting performances by members of the faculty are featured on Thursday and Friday evenings. Saturday night's closing celebration which they refer to as a "Commissioning Service" begins with another exciting processional that attendees have prepared on Saturday afternoon. Dancers are encouraged to bring dance costumes although they are not required to participate in the processional. The evening features an extended time of worship (always a highlight for those who love the freedom to dance) which leads into a time of personal ministry and prayer.
If you would like to publicize YOUR upcoming Illinois, Indiana or Wisconsin sacred dance event(s) to the over 370 people on the GodDance e-mail list, please send an email (one per event and one event per month with no attachments) to Messages are moderated. Your email will also post on the web at:

The GodDance egroup and web site are services of the Lakeshore Chapter of the Sacred Dance Guild: We send out occasional Lakeshore Chapter newsletters through GodDance and may feature events involving Sacred Dance Guild members. The Sacred Dance Guild welcomes all persons who share a common interest in dance as a language of worship and celebration. We are international, multi-cultural and interfaith. We list all dance activities in GodDance that participants consider to be spiritual, religious, or sacred. A listing in a GodDance email is not an endorsement by the Lakeshore Chapter.


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