Karitos is heaven on earth for the Christian Artists. Yours truly will be teaching once again this year. I'm a featured instructor in the Drama section. I'm teaching Introduction to Theatre, Character Development, and Stand-Up Comedy. Don't miss it. If you can't make it, be sure to pass it along. I look forward to seeing you there. God bless you and guide you.
Yours in Service,
Allen D. Edge
The 13th Annual Karitos Christian Arts Conference is set for Aug. 1-4 at Living Waters Community Church in Bolingbrook, IL. While the conference covers all areas of the arts, dance continues to draw the most people. Way of Life Ministries from Miami, perhaps the most exciting performing arts ministry in the country, will be teaching and will also be the featured artists on Friday night. If you've seen Cirque du Soleil, you will have an idea of Way of Life's ministry. Trained in ballet and acrobatics, they call what they do AcroDramance, a combination of acrobatics, drama and dance. You can get a taste of their ministry by going to www.karitos.com and linking to their website.
The dance faculty also includes Dr. Pamela Hardy of Columbus, OH, Maura Hoagland of Louisville, KY, Linda Wade and Alyse Roeder of Milwaukee's Dance Eternal, Pastor Karen Williams of Chicago and Pastor Cory Ratliff of Waukegan, IL. In addition to dance, Karitos offers workshops in eight other tracks, drama, music, worship, visual arts, vocal, literary arts, film and audio/visual technology. A complete workshop schedule can be found the website and additional information can be obtained by calling 847/749-1284.
The conference kicks off on Thrusday evening with a colorful processional. A number of people arrive earlier in the day to put it together. Powerful worship and exciting performances by members of the faculty are featured on Thursday and Friday evenings. Saturday night's closing celebration which they refer to as a "Commissioning Service" begins with another exciting processional that attendees have prepared on Saturday afternoon. Dancers are encouraged to bring dance costumes although they are not required to participate in the processional. The evening features an extended time of worship (always a highlight for those who love the freedom to dance) which leads into a time of personal ministry and prayer.
If you would like to publicize YOUR upcoming Illinois, Indiana or Wisconsin sacred dance event(s) to the over 370 people on the GodDance e-mail list, please send an email (one per event and one event per month with no attachments) to
GodDance@yahoogroups.com Messages are moderated. Your email will also post on the web at:
The GodDance egroup and web site are services of the Lakeshore Chapter of the Sacred Dance Guild:
http://www.sacreddanceguild.org We send out occasional Lakeshore Chapter newsletters through GodDance and may feature events involving Sacred Dance Guild members. The Sacred Dance Guild welcomes all persons who share a common interest in dance as a language of worship and celebration. We are international, multi-cultural and interfaith. We list all dance activities in GodDance that participants consider to be spiritual, religious, or sacred. A listing in a GodDance email is not an endorsement by the Lakeshore Chapter.
GodDance@yahoogroups.com Messages are moderated. Your email will also post on the web at:
The GodDance egroup and web site are services of the Lakeshore Chapter of the Sacred Dance Guild:
http://www.sacreddanceguild.org We send out occasional Lakeshore Chapter newsletters through GodDance and may feature events involving Sacred Dance Guild members. The Sacred Dance Guild welcomes all persons who share a common interest in dance as a language of worship and celebration. We are international, multi-cultural and interfaith. We list all dance activities in GodDance that participants consider to be spiritual, religious, or sacred. A listing in a GodDance email is not an endorsement by the Lakeshore Chapter.
• Receive periodic updates on new One Great City postings: phil@nppn.org / Subject: OGC Updates
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