6855 West 65th Street, Bedford Park, IL. 60638 Tel. (708) 496 – 0879 Fax (708) 496 - 0904
February 06, 2007
Dear Pastors & Community Partners,
Choicest greetings from the Oasis Dream Center and Angel Food Ministries! I am delighted and honored to introduce to you one of the most effectual answers to the Church’s role in helping feed families in our diverse global communities and through this ministry share the wonderful love of the Lord to multitudes of persons. Angel Food Ministries is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation based in Monroe, Georgia which partners with many host churches and sites in the country to deliver restaurant-quality food products worth $60 - $100 per box to thousands of people each month for a token donation of $25 per box.
We have the privilege of hosting the Founder of the Angel Food Ministry, Pastor Joel Wingo on February 27, 2007 at the Oasis Center, 6855 W. 65th Street, Bedford Park, IL 60638 at 12.00pm. This is a free, strategic, networking luncheon for progressive Pastors and Community Leaders like you to learn and unite to extend the Kingdom of God through this unique food ministry. At this enlightening and refreshing function, you will learn how the Wingos through the Angel Food Ministries have given over $14 million since its inception to its National host site partners to help them continue in building and strengthening our communities with the love of Christ.
To learn more about Angel Food Ministries’ inspiring history, myriad of wonderful partners and to review their up-coming menu, you can visit their website at www.angelfoodministries.com. We also have a short DVD presentation on the ministries and will be delighted to send you a free copy on request. I believe that as Leaders who serve the general public, utilizing some proven tools such as the Angel Food concept to help families supplement their incomes will progressively motivate and impact our communities in the right direction.
It is with much pleasure that I extend a warm invitation to significant stakeholders like you to come and enjoy a strategic opportunity and excellent lunch that promises to enrich our individual and corporate commitments to grow in 2007. I trust that long-lasting relationships will be built between the Angel Food Ministries and ourselves as we partner as churches, schools, non-profit organizations to demonstrate the love of God in our communities. I kindly request that you respond to this invitation today, at 708-496-0879 and/or send us your response card by February 19th, 2007. If your firm or organization is interested in renting a vendor booth to display your products or services in our Economic and Community Relations Exhibition, please contact Ms. Regina Banks at Oasis Dream Center at 708-496-0879. I look forward to a wonderful fellowship together.
Sincerely, Dr. Isaac Paintsil, Sr. Pastor, Oasis Dream Center
Community Service Profile
Our Mission: Empowering Non-Profits, Churches, Schools, and businesses as a supplement support to equip families or individuals to achieve more good successes.
- Provide food, clothing, furniture, or appliance to reestablish family units at home
- Provide food distribution networks to feed the nation’s hungry
- Provide fundamental literacy proficiency services for families, adults or children
- Provide housing referrals for temporary or permanent residential living
- Provide supplemental socio-economic continuum of care collaborations
- Provide economic capacity building solutions to retain jobs and/or industry
- Provide open forums on best practices for diverse social problems
The Oasis Dream Center (ODC) is one of the nation’s most innovative socio-economic development organizations, diversely impacting our global communities. It is strengthening our next generation of community leaders for those generations yet to be born. Its socio-economic development focus is the creation of progressive partnerships with entities actively serving families and individuals seeking help to deal with their unique everyday struggles.
ODC staff and volunteers daily enrich our global communities. We are feeding the homeless on the street, distributing clothing, furnishings, and basic necessity items. Other personal items given include things such as soap, and personal hygiene products. We also give employment/job leads, make housing referrals, and establish vital resource linkages.
The fundamental social and economic focus of ODC is to enable community leaders via active partnerships with diverse organizations. As our goals are fulfilled they fortify recipients as effective supplemental support alternatives. Our essential solutions offered are general items one would need to sustain wholesome family life, preventing chronic homelessness cycles, reduction or elimination of children starving in their homes.
ODC staff works with its partners to get a complete picture and understanding of how to help meet the defined social, healthcare, spiritual, and basic nutritional challenges. We work with our partners to increase their available resource supply capacity as providers of effective transformational support. ODC is working with its partners to enable families or individuals to build sustainable life opportunities. Our sole purpose is to enable people so they no longer need supplemental aide but become donors to others in need. So contact the Oasis Dream Center to become a member of an innovative force of excellence. We need your help in our communities to build global and economic solutions that serves all nations of hurting people. For more information call Ms. Banks at: (708)-496-0879.
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