Can you believer it! Before we know it, it will be time for our students to enter and re-enter the world of academia.
As Christian servants, it is our duty to make our supplications and petitions known unto God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
This letter represents a formal request of each of you to pray for a safe and prosperous 2007-2008 school year. Pray that this school year will benefit youths as well as adults and all those who will be involved in the formal educational settings soon to come all for the glory of God our Father who is in Heaven
Therefore, we implore you to set a portion of your prayer time aside and pray specifically for God's intercession at the prayer rally, August 25th at BTNW at 4:00PM. Please pray that all in attendance will put on the whole armor of God so that they may stand against the wiles of the devil in all aspects of their lives, including school. Pray for the students, pray for the teachers, pray for the administrators, pray for the cooks, and the janitors, the nurses and the volunteers, the special guests, the boards of education and all government officials involved with the schooling of our students.. Pray for the parents and families of all students who will be attending school this year. Pray that needs be met. Pray that those in authority will seek godly counsel and guidance Pray that those who are not in authority to submit to directives given.
As you seriously pray for others, watch and see how God blesses you.
This is an all call message. Everyone who receives this note is encouraged to pray for a safe and successful school year. Remember Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope for a successful school year. Be patient should tribulations occur, and always be instant in prayer for our students especially between July 25th and August 25, 2007.
In Christian love,
Ann Evans, Secretary, Community Prayer Circle, CP
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