Dear Pastor,
You have seen first-hand how the Church (big “C”) can work together to make a bigger impact on our community in the name of Jesus.
Our Catalyst FORUM on November 20th is a bold attempt for us to take a good hard look at our culture, our practice, our desired results, and what needs to change to see they align!!! Bottom line, we want more disciples of Jesus in our world – the church is the vehicle for reproducing those disciples!
That is why you are so important. Catalyst seeks to aid you in your Kingdom pursuits – together with other fellow pastors and leaders.
Will you consider using the FORUM on November 20th as a strategic way to develop your team and your leadership? In addition, will you cross the street and invite the ministry partners in your area to join you? As you know – there is NO COST for the FORUM – it is a gift from partner churches that seek to share their resources so we all can benefit.
Use these cards to invite any and all those God’s brings to your mind. Many business leaders will gladly take _ off if you ask them to join you for a strategic event of this nature.
I look forward to seeing you on November 20. Pre-register online at www.Catalystweb.org
Together in Christ,
Bill Yaccino, Executive Director of Catalyst
The "Forum" is a gathering of pastors, community leaders, and change agents with a common desire to see the church active in the world.
David Kinnaman ~ The State of the Church in America Today
David Kinnaman, is the author of “unChristian: What a New Generation Thinks About Christianity… and Why It Matters”, as well as the President and strategic thinker of The Barna Group. David’s research is likely to influence the church for years to come. Our desire in asking David to share it with us is to benefit from the research and perspectives offered as they shape the church’s response. If the perceptions of Christianity are going to change, it will begin with leaders in the church embracing the current reality and leading the way forward.
Kevin Ford ~ Becoming a Transformational Church
Virtually every church in the United States is currently in the midst of transition, some of it painful, some of it positive. Some are in decline, and in desperate need of transformation. Other churches are struggling to keep up with growth. Some are ready to build or relocate, while others are struggling to adapt to a postmodern culture. Many churches have reached a plateau and need to get to the next level, while others are trying to keep people connected in the midst of phenomenal growth. The bottom line is that transition is tough. Is your church on the right track? Kevin Ford will facilitate everyone present and touch the essence of what it is to be a biblical Christ-centered missional community of faith.
Kevin Ford is the Chief Visionary Officer and Managing Partner of TAG. He is the co-author of The Thing in the Bushes...Turning Organizational Blind Spots into Competitive Advantage. His newest book, Transformating Church was released by Tyndale House Publishers in 2007.
WS-1 3D Evangelism: Engaging Others in Life Changing Conversations
Garry Poole, Evangelism Director, Willow Creek
This class will RE-vitalize your zeal for reaching people for Christ, RE-define your concept of evangelism, and RE-ignite your relational intelligence and conversational skills. Discover simple ways to connect with spiritual explorers more easily and naturally engage in conversations that make a lasting impact.
WS-2 Soul Care for the Leader
Mindy Caliguire, President, Soul Care
WS-3 Leading a Transformational Church
Kurt Andre, Sr. Advisor with Kevin Ford and TAG
This workshop focuses on exercising leadership with the intent to transform. What does this mean? What does it look like? How do you do it with out blowing up the ship? Kurt Andre brings experience and examples to the forefront so you can have your leadership context in mind when determining next steps.
WS-4 Website Solutions
Scott Swoboda President, ChurchSites.com.
WS-5 How to Adopt-a-School
Catalyst Adopt-A-School Team
WS-6 Principles of Christian Community Development
Noel Castillanos, Ex. Director, CCDA
WS-7 What Do Your Facilities Say to Visitors?
Jim Rodgers, Project Manager Wildesign Group Arhitects
Would you attend a church with a message out front that says, "This church is a cold, confused club and you probably won't like it here?" Few of us would. In fact, you're probably wondering what church would be dumb enough to put that on the church sign. But the message is not on a sign. It's the message sent from the appearance, layout, and circulation of the building. And it screams its message louder and more consistently than a sign ever could. Learn how to discern the messages your facilities are sending.
===> Check out http://www.BlessYourBlock.org for a creative strategy to get your congregation out of their seats and into the streets ...
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