Crusaders Church Evangelism and Grace School of the Nations
Faith Based First Responders
Two Classes One Weekend
Training Dates:
Friday, September 12, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Assisting Individuals In Crisis –This two day course has very carefully infused biblical principles, truths, and mandates for the purpose of training the faith-based community in fulfilling the directives of Jesus Christ to respond to the spiritual and emotional needs of individuals in crisis. It blends traditional Christian values and philosophy with established psychological stress management methodology to achieve a cohesive balance to better assist the Christian mission mandate. Upon completion you will you get a certificate that is recognized by the United Nations around the world. Our instructor is a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress also Certified in Acute Traumatic Stress Management and is a Certified Trauma Services Specialist. Friday 8a-5p & Saturday 8a-3p Early Bird Special: $100.00*
Faith Based First Responders Orientation Incident Command (IC) is the standard command structure taught by FEMA and all other major response agencies. You will learn this and how to set up a feeding and distribution center. Gain a better understanding of what to expect in almost any response agency across the board. Our instructor has responded to disasters around the USA and abroad including...9/11 pentagon, Ground Zero NY, Hurricane Katrina, Tsunami in Sri Lanka, and has been a beacon of hope in the midst of devastating tragedies. He has earned Pastoral Crisis Intervention (PCI) certification through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and has years of experience in providing aid and assistance in times of crisis.
Saturday Only 8a-3p Early Bird Special: $60.00
* Early bird special good until two weeks before event, more thereafter
Both courses conducted at:
Ruach Covenant Church International
6150 West North Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60639Courses held in cooperation with Christ in Action
Call to register or for a full brochure - 703-368-6286 or ===>Click headline to access website . . .
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