You are invited to a FREE PRIVATE SCREENING of Ben Stein’s upcoming, history-making film, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Opening in theaters April 2008).
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed follows Ben Stein on his journey around the globe where he discovers that scientists, educators and philosophers are being persecuted in a modern day witch hunt because they dare to go against the theory of evolution. These pillars of education are being fired, ridiculed and ostracized for merely challenging Darwin’s theory; proposing that life on this planet could be a part of some intelligent design and not random chance.
This movie provides a rare opportunity to educate everyone on issues that deeply affect our families, schools, churches, courts and the progress of science and medicine. This film truly has the potential to have a positive impact on our society.
The private screening details are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Time: 7:00PM
Location: AMC Lowes Streets of Woodfield 20, 601 N. Martingale Rd., Suite 185, Schaumburg, IL 60173
Please let us know if you are able to attend. You can RSVP now and provide us with how many guests you’d like to bring with you to this screening.
Questions, please contact Jessica at: / 310-721-7293Below I have included information about the film and some endorsements the film has already received. You can also learn more about the movie by visiting our EXPELLED Movie Resource site at:
Thanks, and I hope you will be able to make it! This is a very important project!
Paul Lauer
CEO, Motive Entertainment
About the Movie
EXPELLED, starring Ben Stein, follows Ben’s heroic and shocking journey in which he discovers that students, educators and scientists are being ridiculed, and even fired – for the “crime” of merely believing that there is Evidence of “Design” in Creation (God), and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance.
EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed, is already receiving National News Coverage
(Click to view articles – ABC News, New York Times, O’Reilly Factor, Christian Post, Variety, Access Research Network).
EXPELLED exposes Darwin elitists who suppress all who disagree with them – even scientists (yes, SCIENTISTS) whose new EVIDENCE erodes Darwin’s claims. This film will allow you to:
- Learn about new scientific evidence that invalidates some of Darwin’s claims
- Hear from scientists who are being SILENCED for those discoveries
- Learn how to DEFEND your belief in God based on SCIENTIFIC evidence
- Learn what can and cannot be taught in schools and how that is CHANGING nationwide
For more information about the movie and to see the movie trailer, visit:
What People Are Saying
See all endorsements by visiting:
“I recommend the film enthusiastically! Ben Stein’s film exposes an entrenched and aggressive Darwinist establishment in academia that suffocates all competing points of view. What Ben Stein discovers in this riveting documentary is incredibly enlightening.” - James C. Dobson, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board, Focus on the Family
“What Ben Stein is doing in this film is extremely important by opening up an honest debate in the public square where people can hear reasoned arguments on both sides and make their own conclusions. I love Ben Stein” - Chuck Colson, Radio Commentator, Founder of Prison Fellowship
“We highly recommend the movie to anybody. It is not only informative and challenging—it is fun to watch. Ben Stein’s interviews with avowed atheists, is well done as he elicits responses that leave grave doubt regarding their position of absolute disbelief in a creator and/or God”. - Ken Smitherman, President, Association of Christian Schools International
“EXPELLED is an engaging film. Ben Stein has given us a powerful documentary about the widespread repression of faith-friendly scientific scholarship. Along the way, he also makes a strong case for a return to civil discourse in a time when political correctness often overshadows the search for truth”. - Ronald D. Ellis, Ph.D., President, California Baptist University
“We are seeing the consequences of locking matters of faith out of our classrooms. We applaud Ben Stein for casting light on today's challenges to academic freedom.”- Luis Palau, President, Luis Palau Association
“Propaganda molds minds in a very direct way and that is the logjam in this situation, which the Ben Stein movie, EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed, seeks to break through. I wish it well – I hope under God it will have a great effect just at that point.”. -Dr J.I. Packer, theologian
If you seek intellectual integrity, see EXPELLED. If you enjoy thought-provoking conversation, bring a friend. If you value free speech, tell everyone you know to meet you at the movies and spend an alarming evening with Ben Stein. EXPELLED could easily be one of the most important movies of the year." - Denny Rydberg, President, Young Life
“The movie is powerful...shocking....intense....humorous at times....well worth seeing. This message must be given to the next generation or else....” - Jack Brown, CEO, Capitol Prayer
“If the Ben Stein movie is asking these questions and if somebody is keeping us from finding out the great answers to the great questions - then maybe they are more than just questions. Maybe they are questions with eternal consequences.” - Peter Furler, lead singer, The Newsboys
Motive Entertainment | 1303 Oakgrove Place | Suite 100 | Westlake Village | CA | 91362
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