The Congress on Urban Ministry is only two weeks away !
Affordable Daily Rates!
Reflecting on the many challenges facing our urban communities, you may be wondering, “Who will lead us? Who can we send?” Instead, we challenge you to think about ways in which YOU can change YOUR communities and help reveal God's reign in our cities. Join us April 15 - 18 at Chicago's Fourth Presbyterian Church as we seek ways to create redemptive communities , release prophetic imagination and engage in justice, reconciliation and restoration.
Wednesday $90, Thursday $90 and Friday $50
Daily Highlights
In order to make Congress attendance possible for more people, SCUPE is now offering a one-day registration option. It’s simple: $90 for Wednesday, April 16; $90 for Thursday, April 17; and $50 for Friday, April 18. The opening plenary session on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30 pm is free.
Wednesday begins at 8:00 am with Morning Bible Study led by Rev. Otis Moss III, followed by the morning plenary session with Alexia Salvatierra. Workshops take place both before and after lunch, followed by the 3:00 pm Caucus for Action. In the evening, we welcome Peter Kenyon, community developer from Western Australia, as our plenary speaker.
Thursday starts again with Rev. Otis Moss’s Bible Study at 8:00 am, followed by a plenary address from Young Lee Hertig. Once again, pre- and post-lunch workshops take place, followed by more Caucus for Action meetings. Thursday concludes with an evening plenary address by philosopher Anthony Weston.
Friday morning concludes our Bible Study series by Otis Moss, again at 8:00 am. After a final workshop, networking and tour of Congress exhibits, we will hear from Rev. Dr. John Kinney, Dean of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology, in our concluding plenary session.
Just select the day(s) that best fit your schedule and either register online or send us your completed registration form indicating the day that you are attending, along with an appropriate check. If you have any questions about online or mail-in registration, contact Congress Registrar Dody Finch at (312) 726-1200, .
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