From: Hollywood Prayer Network
Thank you so much for joining us in praying for Hollywood the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Know that while you’re praying, we’re having Studio Prayer Walks here and setting the day aside for prayer and fasting right here in Hollywood. Joining us means SOOOO much and we look forward to what the Lord has in store.
Here are TEN you can start praying for our mission field:
• Please pray for the professionals in Hollywood who don’t know the Lord. Ask that God would fill them up with His love, peace, sense of identity, value and joy. They are only one miracle away from having a vital faith in Jesus.
• Pray that the Hollywood professionals are protected from growing tired or discouraged as they face negative challenges in this industry.
• Pray for the Christians in Hollywood to be solid in their faith, to be salt and light to those co-workers around them and for them to see their workplace as a mission field – the world’s most influential mission field.
• Pray that the Christians get along with the other Christians. We need to love one another FIRST and then that love for each other will be contagious to the non-believers as they see our commitment to our community.
• Pray that the Lord would provide a building for the Christian ministries here in Hollywood where there can be a place for people to come get connected, and receive prayer and encouragement.
• Pray that the Christians will ask for wisdom and for depth of insight so they can pray with discernment for the decision-makers in the entertainment industry. Let the Christians get to know their co-workers and friends so well that they can pray with depth and wisdom for them.
• Please pray that God will protect the Christians and non-Christians from envy and selfish ambition. Pray for the affluent ones from becoming arrogant and that they will be generous and want to help others who are struggling.
• Pray for the celebrities who are struggling to survive and have lost their foundation – especially Britney and Jamie Spears. They need the Lord to give them stability and balance in their live, which are now out of control.
• Pray that the Christians on the outside of Hollywood will not hate the professionals here, that they won’t boycott us and our products, but they would pray for the people, the projects and the decisions being made. Prayers are much more powerful than hate letters and boycotts!
• Pray for REVIVAL in Hollywood!
Thank you so much. We’ll send you more ways to pray next month. And remember:
“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” I Chronicles 7:14
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1 comment:
Please submit your committment to pray for Hollywood at Leave your name and the hour of prayer that you are committing to. For more information please call Christian Artists Network at (312)458-9399.
Thank you and God bless.
Allen Edge, Board President
Christian Artists Network
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