We shared with you a little info about the now past Buenos Aires Festival. Thank you for all your prayers and emails during this amazing Festival. Luis just arrived home yesterday and couldn’t be more encouraged.
As many of you already know, Luis stayed a few extra days as a result of a last minute meeting with the president of Argentina. This was the first time the president of Argentina had given such attention to the evangelical community. It was a big step forward for the church community and for the country.
For Luis, this entire campaign was a dream fulfilled – the result of much prayer and years of hard work. But for the churches in the area – and for tens of thousands of believers – it was even more than that. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity … an occasion to let their light shine before all men and make a powerful statement in front of their friends, their neighbors, their family, and their city. It was their opportunity to share Jesus Christ on a region-wide scale.
Over the last 12 days, the Good News of Jesus Christ penetrated a city, a region, a country … even an entire continent:
· More than 800,000 people were reached in person with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
· In-depth television interviews aired on Argentina’s top secular news programs.
· More than 8 hours of continual coverage of the festival appeared on several secular news programs during the days of the festival (including several re-broadcasts of Luis’ evangelistic message).
· Live broadcasts of the festival aired in 23 Spanish-speaking countries through Enlace Television.
· More than 100,000 people were reached through Internet broadcasts of the festival.
· Cover stories appeared in all of Argentina’s top newspapers and magazines.
· Meetings with top government officials included the mayor of Buenos Aires, state and city legislature, the vice president of Argentina, and an historic meeting with the president of the nation.
· Andrew Palau shared the Good News through a unique outreach to prisoners, as well as sharing the stage with Luis at the festival on Saturday night.
· Luis and the team held an historic pastors/businessmen’s conference, focusing on the role of Christians in business and politics. The conference helped to break down several harmful stereotypes and presuppositions facing the Church in Argentina.
· More than 23,000 individuals were trained in discipleship and decision-maker follow-up.
· Successful outreaches were accomplished for women, businessmen, government officials, and union leaders.
· And best of all … tens of thousands of individuals made decisions to follow Jesus Christ.Thanks again for all your prayers. God used our team to reach Argentina in a unique and powerful way.
All 4 Jesus, Chris
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