This school is for people looking to go deep in prayer, worship, intercession and the Word. For people who have struggled in prayer or reading the Word or feel that there still something missing and they are just in place of "frustration" spiritually. The purpose of the school is to teach how to align oneself with biblical truths in ways that are easy to understand. To use all our being to perceive God in the light He wants us to know Him, instead of our concepts and ideals, which is our wordly knowledge and wisdom. What it truly means to intercede for someone and being a spiritual warrior. To become equipped with the knowledge needed to see God's plan in our daily life and not rely on our natural emotions and resources.
This school is for people looking to go deep in prayer, worship, intercession and the Word. For people who have struggled in prayer or reading the Word or feel that there still something missing and they are just in place of "frustration" spiritually. The purpose of the school is to teach how to align oneself with biblical truths in ways that are easy to understand. To use all our being to perceive God in the light He wants us to know Him, instead of our concepts and ideals, which is our wordly knowledge and wisdom. What it truly means to intercede for someone and being a spiritual warrior. To become equipped with the knowledge needed to see God's plan in our daily life and not rely on our natural emotions and resources.
We will identify and break down barriers that blind us to God and His intentions for our life. This will bring us closer to understanding God's desires and hopes for the destiny we were created for. Most importantly, developing deep intimacy with our Creator. |
Enroll Now to The Open Heaven Prayer SchoolAre you looking for:· An Open Heaven prayer life· Experiential intimacy with God· A understanding of the mechanics of the spirit realm and warfare· Ministry training· Prophetic intercession & prophetic evangelism· A 1st Century Understanding of DiscipleshipApply now and be eligible for Scholarships!There are a limited number of partial and full scholarships available for our program that begins in September. Can't commit to a full time program, check out our night school or simply take one class at a time. The Open Heaven Prayer School is designed to foster true discipleship and intimacy with Christ. The curriculum of the school is based on a first century understanding of God, a perspective that the apostles had. If you are looking for ministry training or simply a new way to be set on fire for God this program is for you. The student will receive both intellectual and experiential training to walk in peace and stay in a constant state of prayer. Housing is available for those outside the Chicagoland area. Those who complete our program will have the opportunity to serve an internship and become certified ministers of our unique CRT (Cognitive Redemptive Therapy) counseling. For more information visit our two websites and contact me for a application or any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!Open Heaven Prayer SchoolMichael Ericksen3541 N. Elston Ave.Chicago , IL 60618Email: ohps@sewministries.comPhone: (773) 243-5511
• Receive periodic updates on new One Great City postings: phil@nppn.org / Subject: OGC Updates
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