Monday, January 26, 2009

Bravo! to Chicagoland Pastor who is a Champion for Unity

The King of Unity


We all know the ultimate King of unity is Jesus himself, but I have to say this guy runs a close second.

Randy Schoof is the founding pastor of Warehouse Church in Aurora. But, if you ask Randy, he would probably say he is just a pastor in the Church of Aurora. I have never met a person who lives, breathes, and bleeds unity and collaboration the way Randy does. I still have yet to figure out how he actually runs a church, because Randy is EVERYWHERE. Any meeting that I go to in Aurora, whether it is at a church, a school, at the mayor's office, or at a local restaurant, chances are good that Randy will be there, too. And he truly views Warehouse Church as God's Church, and freely offers space to start-up churches, ministries, community gatherings, the homeless, and anyone else needing a building.

I have a lot of people that I look to for coaching and inspiration, but I have probably learned more from Randy than from anyone else just by watching him work tirelessly and relentlessly to bring churches and groups and people together. Lots of people talk about working together for the sake of the Kingdom, but Randy doesn't just talk about it . . . he lives it.

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